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In front of this light beam, the aviation-war-class energy shield collided like paper, and it was melted away in an instant. The hull, which was more than a kilometer long, was first cut in half longitudinally, and then suddenly exploded and disintegrated. The burning debris dragged out one after another thick smoke column from the fall.


"Even an aircraft carrier battleship can instantly kill power … what kind of weapon is that?" Leighton has been stunned-you know, even the Ark’s main gun or Alfven’s death ray gun can’t simply split an aircraft carrier battleship with its shield in half, but just that seemingly unobtrusive light beam did …
If the aircraft carrier battleship is replaced by the ark … Leighton couldn’t help but see Kaka several knives in his mind to cut a huge round cake into dozens of pictures …
If "Alexander" can cross the White Ridge Mountains, I’m afraid the ark will become a cream cake in this imaginary picture …
At this moment, the platform of the people’s feet suddenly split into several pieces, and several soldiers and an armored vehicle just in the crack fell directly from nearly 10,000 meters high.
Ok, these soldiers are equipped with umbrella bags in the power armor department. After a short panic, these fallen soldiers have already adjusted their body balance and pulled the paraglider.
However, before they could float far away, several laser beams emitted from "Alexander" had already chased them and hit them accurately and mistakenly.
"The relic prevention device is still shipped!" The commander of the mobile unit shouted, "If we leave this platform, we will be attacked!"
At this time, the copper pillar in the center of the platform has been retracted, and the "Alexander" body, together with the real prophet, has disappeared from everyone’s field of vision, so that the possibility of stopping "Alexander" by killing the real prophet is cut off
Moreover, from the constant deformation and reorganization of various parts of Alexander’s body, we can see that the ceremony guided by the prophet is not over yet, and now Alexander may not be regarded as a complete body.
"Leave this place first, or I’m afraid we’ll all be built into this big guy’s body in the end!" Koran told others-not only the soldiers who broke into the relics field corps, but also the members of the heretical sect who stopped them in the relics department were regarded as Alexander sacrifices.
Kelan watched a B-type mutant street rush and was suddenly lifted off the floor and rolled into a paste … Although it was not dead at this time, it lost its resistance and was quickly "sucked" into a crack.
Kelan felt as if she could hear the flesh and bones being ground and broken by hard gears. The flesh and blood of the sacrifices were collected by mechanical pipes to the platform where they are now, and then poured down from the heights along the gaps and edges of the platform to Alexander’s magnificent body.
"The mechanical god awakens from the blood, and the divine judgment light will punish all heretics in the world and spread his will to every corner of this planet …" Alpha words are written in ancient prayers, which keep echoing in Koran’s mind. Although the Ark people call the prophet and his hand "heretical sects", in the eyes of "Alexander", they are the heretics who really need to be tried.
"How to leave?" Leighton looked around blankly. "There’s a way to go!"
They can’t go back to the tower by the original way, and the only way to get off the platform is to jump off the platform, but then they will be locked by Alexander’s fire resistance immediately …
"Can you climb slowly along this guy’s body?" Thirty-three debut "if we don’t leave its body surface, we shouldn’t attract those laser attacks."
"This is the only way out," Ivan nodded. "But before climbing, there won’t be a crack in the foot or a high-speed rotating gear …"
"That’s better than waiting to die here!" Leighton took a deep breath and manipulated Augustus to the edge of the platform.
But he cast a glance at the communication channel and there came a breath of chill.
Kelan had already observed Alexander’s trunk before Leighton, and it can be said that there are deadly machines everywhere. I’m afraid it’s as difficult to climb from it as the perverted "Cat Leo"
But as Ivan said, this is their only escape route.
The platform, which had been split into several petals, suddenly sank and a huge shadow suddenly enveloped the platform. Everyone immediately looked up and saw it. I don’t know when the sunken part of the original ancient bronze city site had turned over and obviously had a tendency to buckle into Alexander’s trunk.
And the platform they are now on is obviously one of the joints of these two parts.
If they continue to leave the platform, their fate is to be caught in this alloy body weighing hundreds of millions of tons-no one dares to bet whether there will be a gap between these two parts after they are locked.
"Lie trough! Everybody get out of here! " Leighton word directly grasp the platform edge will Augustus body swing out.
"Everyone should leave the platform and descend to the ground immediately!"
Koran, Zeluo, Asano Zhao, Ivan and 335 people jumped directly to the blasphemer’s back-although the blasphemer’s mecha body is not an outsider’s device, there is also a set of customized nested outer armor sent with the body. This outer armor has a hidden pull ring that many people cling to … Those guys in the equipment department obviously consider the special situation of letting the mecha act as a means of transportation.
The body power of the blasphemer is much stronger than that of Augustus. It can move with short time delay without the help of the platform edge and its own propeller and anti-gravity device. When Augustus is still moving closer and closer along the platform crack, the blasphemer mecha is already clinging to Alexander’s trunk and falling very close to the speed of free fall.
"Be careful not to stay away from Alexandria for more than 20 meters!" Kelan shouted, "I’d rather hit Alexander or pull too far!" I haven’t seen those anti-laser strikes so far! "
He squatted on the blasphemer’s head, clutching the pull ring at his feet with one hand, and holding a strangely shaped shield with the other hand. This shield can not only help the blasphemer’s mecha to correct the gas flow direction on the body surface, so that valentina can control the posture of the body more smoothly during the high-speed landing, but also protect the mecha from falling from the rubble.
That part turns up the trunk from the ground with a lot of rocks and soil moving with the mechanical body. These attached rocks and soil separate and fall off-although compared with Alexander’s huge body, this falling rock is like shaking off hair dandruff, but for Ke Lan, the smallest falling rock is almost the size of a table for ten people. If it is rubbed by this thing, it will be seriously injured.
In this more than ten seconds, several mobile soldiers wearing power armor have unfortunately been hit by falling rocks and accidentally fell out-well, they have been in a coma for a moment when they were hit by a boulder, and they will not feel any pain when they are hit by a laser.
"Move one hundred and fifty meters to the left!" Zeluo suddenly debuted. valentina felt his head shake with a jerk. It seems that another consciousness has taken over his body and manipulated the blasphemer mecha to fly a long distance to the left.
An instantaneous descent route A giant gear with a diameter of more than 300 meters suddenly emerged from the Alexander body and engaged with the gear set hanging from the top of an inverted tower.
If the blasphemer had not moved to the left, I’m afraid he would have hit this gear face firmly by now.
"Ze no! You can foresee the change of Alexander’s trunk, right? " Kelan big asked
"I can predict the energy flow trajectory, but it is not 100% accurate," Zello replied.
"That’s enough," Kelan nodded to her and then said to valentina. "Zeluo will bind you to her mind and try not to resist. She will tell you what to do next!"
"Well," valentina gritted his teeth and replied dully. Although it feels strange to "share" a body with another consciousness, she won’t hesitate if she wants everyone to get out of here alive, even if she has to sacrifice her. What’s worse, she will share her body.

  • 杭州,这座古老而现代交织的城市,不仅以其秀美的西湖风光闻名遐迩,更有着浓厚的人文气息。在杭州的街头巷尾,露天茶座成了人们休闲娱乐的好去处。这些茶座,犹如城市中的小憩之地,让人在繁忙的生活中找到一份宁静与惬意。
    漫步在杭州的街头,你总会发现那些别具一格的露天茶座。它们或许隐藏在绿树成荫的小巷,或许坐落在风景如画的西湖边。在这里,人们可以一边品茗,一边欣赏美景,感受生活的美好。 走进露天茶座,首先映入眼帘的是那些各式各样的茶具。茶座的主人精心挑选了各式茶叶,从绿茶、红茶到乌龙茶,应有尽有。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的龙井茶,也可以尝试一下独特的红茶。每一杯茶都散发着浓郁的香气,让人陶醉。 坐在茶座里,你可以听到各种声音。有孩子们欢快的笑声,有年轻人谈笑风生的声音,也有老年人悠闲自得的交谈声。这些声音交织在一起,构成了杭州露天茶座独特的氛围。在这里,人们放下生活中的疲惫,享受片刻的宁静。 杭州的露天茶座,不仅仅是一个品茗的地方,更是一个社交的场所。朋友相约在此,谈论着生活的点滴;情侣漫步其间,享受着浪漫的时光;家人团聚在此,共享天伦之乐。这些茶座,见证了杭州人生活中的喜怒哀乐。 夜晚的露天茶座更是别有一番风味。华灯初上,茶座里灯火通明。人们围坐在茶座旁,一边品尝着美食,一边欣赏着夜色中的西湖。月光洒在湖面上,波光粼粼,美不胜收。此时此刻,你仿佛置身于人间仙境。 露天茶座里的美食也是一大亮点。各种杭州特色小吃在这里应有尽有,如炸鸡、臭豆腐、油墩子等。这些美食与茶香相得益彰,让人回味无穷。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食与茶香带来的愉悦。 然而,杭州的露天茶座并非没有烦恼。近年来,随着城市的发展,一些露天茶座因为占道经营、环境卫生等问题被拆除。这让许多茶座爱好者感到惋惜。但与此同时,相关部门也在努力改善露天茶座的环境,使其更好地融入城市生活。 总之,杭州露天茶座是这座城市的一大特色。在这里,人们可以放下生活的压力,尽情地享受茶香、美食和美景。无论是与朋友聚会,还是独自一人小憩,露天茶座都是你不错的选择。让我们一起走进杭州的露天茶座,感受这座城市的魅力吧!
  • 标题:杭州金牛大厦水疗中心——尽享奢华与健康的完美融合
    导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。近年来,水疗中心作为一种集休闲、养生、美容于一体的综合性场所,受到了广大消费者的青睐。位于杭州金牛大厦的金牛大厦水疗中心,以其奢华的设施、专业的服务、独特的疗法,成为众多追求高品质生活的消费者的首选之地。 一、环境优雅,奢华品味 金牛大厦水疗中心位于杭州金牛大厦内,地处繁华的商业区,交通便利。中心整体设计风格典雅、大气,融入了东方元素和现代设计理念,营造出一种宁静、舒适的氛围。步入水疗中心,仿佛置身于一个充满奢华与尊贵的世界。 二、专业团队,贴心服务 金牛大厦水疗中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,其中包括资深水疗师、美容师、营养师等。他们均经过严格的专业培训,具备丰富的实践经验,为顾客提供个性化、专业化的服务。在中心,顾客可以享受到以下贴心服务: 1. 咨询与预约:顾客可根据自身需求,预约心仪的项目和技师,享受一对一的专业咨询。 2. 环境保护:中心注重环保,采用绿色、健康的装修材料,确保顾客在舒适的环境中享受水疗。 3.… Read more: 标题:杭州金牛大厦水疗中心——尽享奢华与健康的完美融合
  • 标题:杭州水玥水疗中心:身心的奢华洗礼
    在繁华的杭州市,隐藏着一个被誉为“身心奢华洗礼之地”的地方——杭州水玥水疗中心。这里不仅拥有先进的设施,更融合了中西方水疗文化,为每一位到来的客人提供全方位的放松与疗愈体验。 一、环境与设施 杭州水玥水疗中心位于市中心繁华地段,交通便利。中心占地面积约2000平方米,拥有豪华的接待大厅、舒适的休息区以及多个功能各异的水疗房间。在这里,您可以享受到宽敞明亮的空间和优雅舒适的氛围。 设施方面,杭州水玥水疗中心配备了国际知名品牌的水疗设备,如桑拿房、蒸汽房、冷热水按摩池、水疗床等。此外,中心还设有专门的儿童水疗区,为家庭游客提供便捷的服务。 二、特色水疗项目 1. 中式水疗:杭州水玥水疗中心独具特色的中式水疗项目,结合了中医养生理念,运用中草药、按摩、拔罐等方法,帮助客人舒缓疲劳、改善睡眠、调理身体。 2. 西式水疗:以欧洲水疗文化为基础,杭州水玥水疗中心引进了多种西式水疗项目,如面部护理、身体磨砂、淋巴排毒等,旨在帮助客人达到美容养生的效果。 3.… Read more: 标题:杭州水玥水疗中心:身心的奢华洗礼