Wuqi looked at nearby a mess of the city.
A large number of soldiers from all directions came in and out of the city, and all the people were searched carefully.
The city is rich and noble. It is a terrible disaster that half of the rich people in this city are suddenly wiped out.
The rich are all in a state of panic.
The people are also horrified at the moment. How can there be such a disaster in the city?
The duke immediately reported to the children’s daily and dispatched four garrisons to defend the city.
Wuqi eyes cold and took a deep breath and didn’t speak but waited quietly.
Suddenly a black shadow suddenly appeared.
"Wu Qiqian is ready?" The shadow sink a way
"But this is ten thousand gold. Have a look!" Wuqi with a reluctant way
Shadow nodded is a box carefully checked it again.
"Yes, 10,000 gold ghost king assassins will be notified immediately!" Shadow nodded.
"So, will it be successful this time?" Wuqi with an anxious way
Killing so many people will be discovered sooner or later. If you don’t get caught this time, you won’t be sure of 10 thousand gold. If you can’t kill Jiang Tai again, isn’t it a waste of water?
Besides, it’s not as simple as 10 thousand gold at a time
The shadow said faintly, "If you are not at ease, you can choose a god-class assassin!"
"Don’t worry!" Wu qima laughed
A joke? God-class assassin, that’s 100 thousand gold
"hmm!" Shadow nodded.
"May I ask the name of this ghost king assassin?" Wuqi curious way
Zhuan Zhu!’ Shadow nodded and said
"Zhuan Zhu? I remember that there was a brave man named’ Zhuan Zhu’ beside Duke Guang of Wu? " Wuqi curious way
The shadow nodded and left with ten boxes of gold. Wuqi looked at the gold being taken away and his eyelids jumped wildly.
Ten thousand gold! ——
Jiang Tai, the little witch followed Gou Jian and others to the boat, and the carriage with its own army road led them to Zhan Lu Mountain quickly.
All the way, Gou Jian, Fan Li, and Wen Zi’s waist sword all trembled, and Zheng Dan’s sword remained stable.
Shock wave rushing clouds Wan Jian worship?
They were all excited, and they could see the distant place as if it were a huge beam of light. In general, there were millions of firm but gentle waves around the square, spinning around a complex trajectory.
Two days later, I arrived not far from Mount Zhan Lu.
At the moment, there are some people coming around.
All kinds of people come to the swordsman the most.
"One tenth of the Yue swordsman will gather here!" Wen zhong Shen Dao
The swordsman occasionally looks at the direction of the carriage, and his eyes are very unfriendly.
After all, everyone here wants the Ouye sword.
But how can the limited number of swords be distributed to all people? One more person, one less chance to get it
"Hey? The carriage is in the wrong direction! " Cried the little witch
It was the carriage that suddenly changed direction towards several other peaks not far from Mount Zhan Lu.
To be precise, it should be a circle of peaks, which is as wonderful as the height.
"Mr. Wen, where are we going?" Goujian frown way
"The king’s army is stationed in that direction!" Language explained
Gou Jian frowned slightly and then grabbed Xi Shi’s hand as if to reassure Xi Shi.
"It seems to be’ Qiutan’ there?" Fan Li frown way
"Mr. Fan has a good experience!" Wen Zi sighed.
It was only when Wen Zi came to Zhan Lu Mountain some time ago that he realized that there was a deep pool here, which was very famous locally.
"What is the pool?" Zheng Dan curious way
"It’s wonderful to smell that there is a pool here. Many women come here to beg for the water in the pool and get pregnant soon after drinking the pool water!" Fan Li said
"oh? There is this thing? " Jiang tai vacant way
"seeking pregnancy?" Small hag is vacant way
As the carriage drove in, you could already see groups of soldiers patrolling the four directions.
Gou Jian’s eyelids also jumped wildly. "How many people did Father send this time?"
"One hundred thousand troops are stationed near Mount Zhan Lu to prevent change!" Language explained
"Hundreds? So much? " Goujian surprised way
Wen Zi smiled slightly. "There are so many things you don’t know. The significance of the first sword this day is so great that you can’t imagine it!"
"Oh?" Gou Jian showed a blank look.
The language did not explain again.
"Huh?" Jiang Tai is suddenly eyebrows a pick.
"What’s the matter?" Little witch curious way
Jiang Tai shook his head. "Nothing!"
At the moment, the word’ swastika’ in the palm of Jiang Tai’s left hand is moving and slowly rotating. Jiang Tai seems to feel that there is a mysterious breath coming from all directions.
They soon came to ZhongJun big account.
"Master Wen!" In Zhongjun’s tent, a minister in red walked out.
"Too good. Where’s the king?" Wen Wen asked
"The king has gone to Zhan Lu Mountain. Please wait for a while!" The red minister solemnly said
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