The so-called unique skill often needs to cooperate with the unique mysterious spirit. For example, even if my cousin teaches her all the Chinese techniques on a cloudy day, she will do it because her body is not full of yin and anger, and it is also true for "Xuanbing Dance of Senluo Vientiane" and Xie Wenjin’s "filming and breaking the ghost gate". You don’t want to learn it.
However, my cousin was able to express his own mysterious spirit and complete different "methods of punishing the sun and giving birth to life"
This is a strange thing.
And now he is going to put the whole day too alive to cut off the cloudy day at the same time.
When such a powerful killing move is used, it will often exhaust the mysterious qi of the body.
If you deliberately suppress the Xuan gas, it is not necessary, but the power will obviously be much smaller.
However, at that moment, my cousin "cut it off on a cloudy day", and his daily efforts were not weakened at all, but "the method of killing the sun is too raw" is almost comparable to the candle.
The two killing methods are completely different and both are strong. Even the "dark magic shines on killing" has been picked up.
But how did he do it?
Virtual five plague ghost also looked at.
Black plague ghost stunned way "this little sword …"
"Well," the ghost of Qing Wen said faintly, "The method of killing the sun must cooperate with the secret Xuangong of the dragon to show that his practice is a three-in-one purple fairy spirit, and his own mysterious spirit can’t root out the method of killing the sun. It is not others but his sword."
Bai Wen’s ghost said, "Artifacts are artifacts because they have amazing mysterious gas or incredible power, such as Xuanyuan sword and archery bow, but when he cast this sword, he didn’t bring his own mysterious gas. Even those swords he cast before are not comparable …"
"All I said was that you missed your eyes," the ghost of Qing Wen said slowly. "Do you know that his sword is called the eternal sword?"
The black plague ghost said, "Everything steals the sky and the immortal steals everything?"
"It’s true that this sword of his is called the eternal sword, so it’s better to call it the heavenly sword." Qing Wen’s ghost said, "It’s all because it can automatically absorb the mysterious gas killed by it and collect the mysterious gas of heaven and earth again, which will change the way he just issued the method of killing the sun, that is, the eternal sword gathers the mysterious gas of heaven and earth by itself, and that’s why he can single-handedly kill it on a cloudy day and single-handedly kill it."
He four ghosts are appalled … There will be such a magic weapon?
"This immortal sword is still in its growth stage," said Qing Wen. "As more and more powerful enemies are killed by it, it will absorb more and more mysterious memories. Ordinary artifacts have a powerful mysterious spirit, but it is a device that can never be filled. Even I don’t know what it will become if it grows like this."
It slowly said, "One day this sword will be the only one in the three worlds that can match the magic weapon."
Four ghosts move …
Never put off till tomorrow what you can stare at Tang Xiaofeng.
This little boy is so strange that we must get rid of him before it’s too late.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can’t put off till tomorrow what you can.
Tang Xiaofeng complained while dodging. This guy is really much worse than he expected in advance.
The immortal sword is not perfect. Just now, the method of killing the sun is exhausted. The mysterious gas in the sword is no different from ordinary flying swords at the moment.
And he never put off till tomorrow what you can by doing his own thing.
Well, it’s obvious that he can do it again in such an amazing way. Otherwise, that trick will be done again, and he has done it again with the longevity sword for a short time. That’s really doubtful.
But on the other hand, it also made him realize that the longer he has to fight, the better it will be for him.
It is obvious that the mysterious gas is not exhaustive.
And he has learned the secret method of magic killing. Although his mysterious spirit is not as deep as Bi’s, it is definitely longer than Bi’s.
The two men fought into a ball. Although Tang Xiaofeng was beaten by pressure, he struggled to support it.
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