Zhu Houzhao is still in a good mood in the leopard room.
Chu Yi returned and Liu Jin was killed. The feeling of suddenly breaking an arm was filled with Chu Yi’s return. Zhu Houzhao got up early in the morning and ate a bowl of rice.
At the moment, Zhu Houzhao is teasing a beautiful thrush. After many days of gloom, he finally smiled more, which made the eunuchs around Zhu Houzhao secretly breathe a sigh of relief
Although Zhu Houzhao is magnanimous and rarely loses his temper and serves eunuchs, it is strange that the sky is the sky once it is in a bad mood.
Suddenly, a little eunuch came in a hurry with a face of urgency and several secret plays in his hand.
Gu Da noticed that the little eunuch’s move glanced at the nearby mood with a smile on his face. Zhu Houzhao hurriedly stopped the little eunuch.
Hearing this, Gu Da said to the little eunuch, "Is there anything urgent?"
It’s rare that Zhu Houzhao is in a good mood. Many valleys saw that the little eunuch was in a panic and couldn’t help but feel a tight heart. What happened?
Valley big heart can’t help but complain that this full Chao Wenwu can’t honestly handle affairs and share worries for the day, which always adds difficulties to the day. If there is anything, Zhu Houzhao’s good mood will be afraid and gone.
The little eunuch handed a few secret plays in his hand to Valley Avenue. "Manager Gu, this is a secret play sent by the Royal Guards from the East Factory and the West Factory. I am afraid that if there is any urgent matter, the handmaiden will not dare to neglect it for the first time!"
Valley smell speech saw that a few secret plays could not help but look a change. Even if he was slow to respond, he was afraid that something really happened. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the East Factory, the West Factory and the Royal Guards to play in a secret way.
If it’s a small problem, he can stop it for a while, but it’s obvious that something big is going to happen. Even if he gives Gu Da a courage, he won’t dare to delay.
Take a few quick steps to Zhu Houzhao’s side. When the little eunuch came quickly, Zhu Houzhao had already noticed the little eunuch, but Zhu Houzhao was in a good mood and didn’t rest assured. Anyway, Gu Da will handle anything.
At the moment, seeing Gu Da coming at a brisk pace, Zhu Houzhao frowned and handed the birdcage in his hand to one side. The little eunuch looked down at Gu Da and said, "What’s urgent, big companion?"
General Gu presented several secret plays in his hand to Zhu Houzhao. "I’m afraid there’s something urgent when Bidong Factory, West Factory and Royal Guards play in unison!"
Zhu Houzhao smell speech couldn’t help but look a change. He’s not stupid. He can make the East Factory, the West Factory and the Royal Guards play it in a hurry, even if it’s a big deal.
Taking a deep breath, he took the secret play and said to the little eunuch, "Come with me quickly!"
Sweeping Zhu Houzhao’s face with a quick glance can’t help but become gloomy, with an irate look looming over his face.
"Damn it, it’s really hateful. What do they want to do?"
A few secret plays have been read one by one, and all they have played is one thing, that is, the first record of Yang Tinghe, a courtier of civil and military officials in the DPRK, is coming to the Leopard Room.
What really angered Zhu Houzhao was that these people came here for this purpose. If it was a national event, it would be fine, but these people actually came to directly ask him to return to the palace.
"… straight about the day, but also in the palace …"
It seems so harsh for Zhu Houzhao to play these Chinese characters in secret. It is indeed inappropriate for him to live outside the palace, but he has never delayed the affairs of state when he lives in the leopard room. However, whenever there is any urgent matter, no minister asks for him.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-six I have become a master!
However, these people have to keep an eye on this point, and they will rise to the level of direct advice from officials. You know, such a noise has pushed him into the corner.
If he doesn’t go back to the palace, it is bound to be a disharmony between the monarch and his subjects, and it is even possible that he will fall into a bad king who doesn’t listen to good advice. If he goes back to the palace, he can guarantee that these people will not let him leave the palace so easily again, which will encourage the arrogance of these civil and military ministers
Aside from Gu Da, although he said that he didn’t see those secret letters, he knew that there was no good thing by looking at Zhu Houzhao’s reaction
"Don’t be angry!"
Zhu Houzhao heard that he threw the secret letter in his hand into Gu Da’s hand and said angrily, "You let me calm down and see what they want to do!"
Gu Da bowed their heads and looked at the secret letter. Gu Da couldn’t help but feel a little dry in his throat. Why did Zhu Houzhao react so much?
These civil and military ministers really refused to stop for a while. After overthrowing Liu Jin, they directly stared at Zhu Houzhao. Now they want to ask Zhu Houzhao to return to the palace.
At the beginning, Zhu Houzhao made great efforts to be able to leave the palace and choose to live in this leopard room. This is the result of Zhu Houzhao’s struggle. Now these ministers want to invite Zhu Houzhao back to the palace. It is absolutely not so easy to figure it out once they go back.
At this moment, another little eunuch came in a hurry, prostrating himself with a little fear and said, "Your records and records of Yang Tinghe’s adult and dozens of senior officials in the DPRK are asking for an audience outside the leopard room!"
Zhu Houzhao is almost able to roar, "I can’t see anyone!"
The little eunuch was frightened and proffered himself repeatedly.
Take a deep breath and realize that you are a little rude. Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and said, "It’s none of your business. Go and report back to your adults and say that I am not feeling well for the time being!"
Obviously, Zhu Houzhao wants to avoid these civil and military affairs. For these civil and military affairs, he is not beating or scolding, or else he will really become a bad king.
It is said that Zhu Houzhao can pretend to be sick to suspend and then think of other ways to solve the problem
I have to say that it is rare to be able to force the open sky to the point of pretending to be sick.
However, at this moment, a figure came from a distance and said, "You will weaken your own momentum. You are the monarch. When are they ministers? Isn’t it absurd that a monarch should be forced to pretend to be ill and avoid it?"
Bearer is not ChuYi and people will see ChuYi striding in a python.
See ChuYi Zhu Houzhao heart must face can’t help but show a little smile, "Chu company you finally came to me … I really don’t know what to do."
Seeing Zhu Houzhao’s reaction, Chu Yi sighed in his heart and said that Zhu Houzhao’s sex is too good. Although it is absurd to act, it is not what tyrannically eats and kills the monarch. Otherwise, even those civil and military officials want Zhu Houzhao to be cruel to nature and kill and unify.
However, Zhu Houzhao obviously doesn’t even have that kind of mind. Although he said that the generation of kings is not murderous, it is not enough to serve such an emperor. He is worried that he will lose his life somehow one day.
Chu Yi didn’t change Zhu Houzhao’s idea that it was him who wanted Zhu Houzhao to sit on his throne. Isn’t there still him? If Zhu Houzhao is strong, he is still like a minister.
Zhu Houzhao approached Chu Yi and smiled slightly. "It is absolutely impossible to force officials into the palace. Otherwise, once they retire today, officials will be more arrogant and dignified!"
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