Let the soul throb.
Suddenly the sun dimmed and depressed.
Like the sea, the bloody and evil gas covers this emptiness
Then a pair of huge eyes appeared outside the western continent like a black hole! These two eyes are many times larger than the whole square continental sphere, overlooking this source of life.
Even the stars and the sun are even bigger!
Father’s heart is crazy, scared and afraid, but he can’t help but open his eyes wide, but he has to be afraid to look straight at those huge eyes at the beginning!
He came back from the depths of the stars!
He’s back from abroad!
It’s that man!
He is the most taboo in the universe! He is the heart of all the top strong people, including the myth of the venerable one!
He saved the whole universe against the sins of all creatures in this Xinghai and went abroad to fight against the peerless enemy!
He is a Xinghai man who overlooks the universe!
He is the only god in the hearts of all Xinghai strong people! The only king!
The father’s mind was so frightened that he didn’t dare to recall the terrible memories. The father’s godhead was so powerful that he could crush the top saints, but he couldn’t help shivering at this time!
This is such a huge eye!
Su Yu can’t help but sigh with shock that it is full of indifference and cold, as if it is full of extreme terror in the deepest part of the abyss, as if it were a blessing to oneself! It seems that this great star is the oldest and most powerful evil god!
Cold and dark, the pupils are open, there is no black and white, there is darkness! There was a dead silence! Pupils are huge and amazing, looking down on the western continent and looking down on the father!
At this moment, all the stars in the four continents were silent, as quiet as death, with no breath, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.
All the life on the planet dare not make a tinkle, and everyone’s body seems to freeze!
Starlight dies and peace. No!
It’s extremely dead, and it’s boiling in the depths of Xinghai, and the huge pupils around it make people’s souls cold to the extreme!
"Keep your eyes open"
Su Yu couldn’t help mumbling that her hair was wet and sticky into locks, and she was covered in cold sweat and almost collapsed.
Too much pressure!
Who is this?
He came here!
Father dare not speak, but Su Yu can see the figure of father outside the sky, and his breath fluctuates slightly. He is nervous! He’s afraid! He’s scared!
Suddenly, a cold and indifferent grand voice sounded faintly. "Who did you say was an ant?" Which ant do you want to kill? "
This is the owner of huge eyes. He asked the father God, and the calm voice can hear the anger, just as the high king asked the lowliest people in the territory.
Although this tone is normal, Su Yu is still sensitive to find that there is a naked/naked contempt for huge eyes. The owner doesn’t take the father seriously!
Father God did not dare to claim to be seated. His mouth was bitter and trembling, and he gave a salute. "I happened to come here and met a token left by the holy mountain. I want to get it back from this native and return it to the holy mountain."
Father God dare not tell the real reason for killing people, stealing treasures and so on.
Everyone knows that this man is a high-level universe, and he is absolutely taboo! He is a man that even the venerable man dare not easily remember! His myth says it flows into a sea of stars! It is no exaggeration to say that many top saints are part of them, and those who later proved the Tao grew up listening to his fairy tales!
He said that everyone is young, but he is really a big man who can manipulate the Changhe River at will, so he can go to Changhe River for the most horrible layout and manipulation! You can decide to live and die easily before the venerable master testifies!
No one knows his age and no one knows his true strength!
Even the venerable God dared not compete with him! And this most horrible avatar is one of the simplest avatars of this person!
Father, I don’t know why this man came here!
Maybe he’s from the four continents?
Father’s mind is surprised but feels impossible!
According to very few data, this man is from the earth!
Everyone knows that because of this man, the milky way of the sun has been dared to go, let alone saints and venerable persons, even if it is a little stronger, people dare not offend that star! Let alone arrival on earth!
Everyone has to walk around even if they have to go through the sun!
All because of this man!
One name makes the whole Xinghai people dare to offend! Even dark jealousy and reviling are not dared! No one dares to do it even if he thinks about it!
57 Chapter 57 The statue gathers in the shaking Xinghai!
Father God was nervous and silent, waiting for the sentence to be finished. Root didn’t dare to look up at those huge eyes. He bent slightly and looked a little humble.
Previously, I was arrogant and looked down on all the ants in the four continents. At this time, I was humble like a servant in the imperial palace of the Yellow Emperor!
However, even if the priest is so humble and respectful, he can change this person’s will.
Seeing the faint eyes sweeping through chaos, the father can’t think for a moment, and his mind is solidified and everything in his brain is no longer a secret.
It’s terrible to watch the memory of the venerable master at will!
The huge eyes didn’t speak, but the Father God couldn’t help shivering all over. The trembling amplitude increased. He didn’t care about Gabriel and Su Yu, but his knees trembled directly!
"Great people! The little god knows wrong! The little god knows wrong! Please forgive me! "
Father’s voice is weeping, and the stars are getting dimmer and dimmer, as if they were weak to the extreme.
The owner of this huge eye didn’t open his mouth and said that it was a faint look at the father god, which made the father god tremble so much that he was about to be scared. He scared himself and scared himself to be weak!
"What the hell is the owner of this huge squat?"
Su Yu’s heart was shocked and her mouth was bitter.
A look makes the venerable master kneel on the spot, regardless of face, fear and panic!
If the father is busy, Su Yu still has the idea of resistance, even if he is defeated, he will not bend! But when Su Yu saw the father kneeling, his heart was really shocked. If the owner of this huge eye shot at himself, Su Yu felt that he might not even disappear completely when thinking!
This is simply terrible!
"Where are you wrong?"
Once again, the deep and cold grand sound rings, and the sound is still dull. People know where the sound comes from, and neither does Father God! He felt the sound in his heart!
Those huge eyes are strangely dark and radiant, as if all the stars in the universe are looming when their huge pupils are looming. He looks at God the Father so quietly.
"Little god wrong shouldn’t hide adult! The little god was indeed summoned by the corresponding believers and realized that the native hand Oracle Long Pei was greedy and wanted to regain the benefits of seeking the immortal venerable! "
The father’s voice trembled and he dared not hide anything. He was trembling all over, obviously afraid to the extreme.
The owner of the huge eyes gave a faint cold hum, but he didn’t see anything move. The huge eyes turned with a faint black gas and glanced at the hovering Su Yu’s head and starlight giant finger.
"Snow ~! Rubbing! "
Crisp as the sound of broken glass, the giant finger of starlight shattered inch by inch, causing blurred starlight energy to spread all over the western continent, and the beauty reached the extreme in an instant!
At the same time, Su Yu and others also felt that the strong pressure suddenly disappeared and they were relaxed and carefree.
As the giant finger of starlight breaks, the father god’s doppelganger also spits out a harsh golden blood "poof!"
Father God’s face turned pale and his forehead constantly permeated with cold sweat. It must be extremely powerful for him to display his avatar like this, but such a proud avatar was shattered on the spot by this huge eye!
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