The Buddha’s light is amazing, and the sun is almost as strong as the storm and the earth roar.
I wish the title flower and Yin Qiaowen secretly lose heart. It seems that this monk left his hand when they met just now. If he is like this, he will be afraid that they will not die or be hurt.
Song Liangzhen and others closed their eyes one after another, and the ghosts of Zaishi’s sisters were even more shady. The Buddha’s light scared them to hide behind Tang Xiaofeng.
Even Tang Xiaofeng and Yan Zi’s eyes narrowed.
The powerful Buddha’s light thundered and thundered, and Pan Xing’s body was bombarded.
"What’s the big day?" asked Pan Xingzhe. Boring boring "
Master Huang Hu stood there surprised and suspicious … His Buddha’s light seemed to be sucked away by the other side.
Zhu Tihua asked in a low voice, "What kind of posture did Duke Tang learn?"
Tang Xiaofeng squinted. "He didn’t have any posture. He resisted the blow purely by his body."
Yin Qiaowen was dumbfounded. "How is this possible?" So strong is the Buddha’s light, so powerful is the strength, even the fear of heaven and earth can’t bear it.
Tang Xiaofeng Yan Zi gauze looked at each other … The walker really took the blow from Master Huang Hu, but as I was surprised by the clever writing of Zhuti Hua Yin, it was impossible for a person to fight against the walker with pure flesh and blood. What wonderful achievement method must it be?
Master Huang Hu was surprised and suspicious, but Pan Walker looked at him in a shady tunnel. "It’s my turn! The big day is coming … Samadhi Seal! "
See his feet toad Mo mouth powerful Buddha’s light from its mouth spit out to the yellow tights master.
Huang, Huang Zhong, Huang He and other monks were very shocked. Tang Xiaofeng’s face was purple, and he watched toad spit out Buddha’s light without blinking, as if he saw something inexplicable.
Toad spat out the Buddha’s light, and Master Huang Hu just bombarded Walker Pan, but it was exactly the same.
Or ….. Their roots are the same Buddha’s Light!
Master Huang Hu was shocked and quickly printed and burst into Buddha’s light.
Two Buddha’s lights collided and crashed together.
Walker Pan sneered, "Come again."
Two more beams of Buddha’s light were successively emitted from toad’s mouth.
Master Huang Hu’s face has completely changed. He forcibly picked up a bunch of the last bunch, but how can he pick it up? He was abruptly hit and sprayed blood backwards.
Master Huang Zhong quickly caught him and helped him heal.
Toad croaked and called two Pan Walker contemptuous tunnel "so much"
Master Huang sighed and knew that this Pan Walker was too strong and Tuobei’s old monk was even more afraid than this Pan Walker, unless seven of them embraced each other, they won by fighting alone.
But they are all eminent monks, and their opponents come to challenge them with dignity. How can they bully others? So crossing their hands and saying, "I can’t wait for you to take advanced courses" is already giving up.
Master Huang regarded the outcome as a floating cloud, and it was nothing to throw in the towel. However, several monks failed to cultivate themselves to the point of humiliation, and it was not a little indignant to see these two men bullying the mountain gate and returning home.
Unfortunately, unless the "positive monk" Huang Yan happens to return at this time, they are not yellow in Buddhism and they are not necessarily stronger than the yellow tiger. At this moment, Huang admits defeat and the yellow tiger is defeated, and they all cross their hands to show their defeat.
Walker Pan laughed. "So much, so much."
When toad jumped, he jumped out of Luofu Mountain in toad.
The old monk in Tuoshan held a spirit flag and rolled it with a gust of wind.
As this road winds through a windy day, it’s still this world or this temple or this temple person, and it’s still these people.
However, it suddenly became noisy around. Many pilgrims burned incense and worshiped Buddha in the temple, and saw several eminent monks suddenly appear as if they were gods and buddhas, so they worshipped one after another.
Also, after chasing into the temple, I found that several masters suddenly disappeared. When I saw seven masters, I wanted to know what I found before I hurried.
The yellow crane and other monks looked at each other in such a dreamland that they had never seen or heard of each other. They could not help sighing. Master Huang Xin said, "Where did these two people come from?" Look at their clothes and costumes. They are neither Tibetan tantric nor Tianzhu monks. But where else can Buddhist people have this practice? "
The monks were puzzled.
At this moment, a young man floated up and handed the blood in his hand to Master Huang with a smile. "This evil thing is too heavy, so please ask the master to make it fierce. Thank you." Then he left.
Master Huang looked at the young girls and went away in silence.
Master Huang He said, "Brother? !”
Master Huang sighed, "If they are really wicked people, they have already escaped just now and have been waiting there to hand over this banner? Alas, let them go. "
So are his monks.
Tang Xiaofeng’s daughters walked around Dayuan Temple again.
Talking about the origin of those two strange monks while strolling.
Wei Ziying said, "They keep saying that Buddhism in China is like this. Obviously, they are not from China. Are they from Tubo or Tianzhu?"
Tang Xiaofeng shook his head and said, "Look at them, but they don’t look like Tubo and Tianzhu."
Yan Zikun said, "What happened to the three Buddha’s lights spit out from that toad’s mouth, Xiao Feng?"
Tang Xiaofeng shook his head and slaughtered the jade toad. "Is it possible that the toad is also spiritual?"
The fifth chapter monk stopped prostitutes boat disaster at home
Yan Zigan shook her head. "I’m afraid that’s not the case. The’ Great Day Tathagata Samadhi Seal’ is that Master Huang Hu hit the walker and then was spit out by the toad. The Buddha’s Buddha’s light was that Master Huang Hu hit three rebounds in succession, and even he himself met it."
I wish the title "Although one of them is a monk and the other is a monk, it gives people a feeling that they are extremely evil."
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