Go back to the sea with a knife and turn your head.
Father’s brilliant child is stronger than others in his mind, but he is already an adult when he returns to the sea. He is a mature swordsman and denies that even if he comes back from the dead after returning to the sea, he can’t do the feat of raising an umbrella and stepping through the Forbidden City with one hand as Fang Yunhan did that day.
The Emperor Valley Master in Jianghu can’t say it, but it’s mysterious. Few people have seen him go out with a knife.
Hou Dan, the god of iron courage, has a long reputation and is often regarded as the first in the world, but he keeps a low profile and makes moves against the enemy. If one point is revealed, nine points are hidden.
Returning to the sea with a knife to protect the Dragon Villa, the No.1 spy is also an iron-hearted God Hou Yiran, and even he has never seen an iron-hearted God Hou personally.
In his life, he has never seen a stronger performance than that of Yunhan that day.
"You …" Fang Yunhan what to say suddenly paused and turned to look at the door.
Both doors in this room are open, and everyone in the room can clearly see the scene where the fence door and carriage are parked.
As Fang Yunhan looked up at the past, a yellow figure in the bamboo forest in the distance seemed to fade away, and in a moment, the man crossed the hundred paces and the yellow figure reappeared next to the carriage.
Guan Haitang and others looked down Fang Yunhan’s eyes.
At first glance, they didn’t find anything unusual, and the scenery outside the house changed. When they looked at the door again after a wide range of glances, they were surprised that there was a person there.
It’s a yellow dress. It should be the most eye-catching
You can carry the old man with a wooden box, where the yellow clothes float gently in the breeze, and the hair is not inserted into the bun at all. The warm yellow Hosta is like the bamboo forest with a dead branch behind it, and the whole bamboo forest background is integrated into one mass.
The ratio of cyan to yellow is suitable.
All those who study hidden weapons’s Juexue in Wulin know that ear strength training is sometimes more important than a pair of eyes when hidden weapons is released.
However, after inheriting the stunt of showering money all over the sky, the ear is so strong that it can distinguish ants from feathers, but the official begonia can’t hear when the old man in yellow came. In which way and from which direction?
Even after waking up to this person, I couldn’t recognize the breathing rhythm of the official begonia in the past.
She could hear a stroke in the bamboo forest.
When the figure in her eyes moved, she actually gave birth to a strange feeling in her heart, as if bamboo forest air was the person breathing.
The old man in yellow gently knocked on the edge of the courtyard door and said politely, "This should be the residence of Lu Huanong’s mother, right?"
Going back to the sea, I got up and stepped out the door. "Who are you?"
A knife to return to the sea is just stepping out of the door, and the old man in yellow is the gate position. The two people are separated by the whole fence to enclose the courtyard.
The sun shines more brightly in the courtyard than in the bamboo forest, and it seems to be hotter than in the bamboo forest
The old man in the yellow dress looked at him and said, "Old Wangsun Xiao."
Wangsun Xiao?’
As soon as the name comes out, there is a little more strange expression in everyone’s eyes here, even Fang Yunhan is no exception. Some of these eyes are shocked, curious and unexpected.
Returning to the sea also dazed a "Valley of the Kings Wangsun Xiao".
Perhaps many people in this world are called Xiao Wangsun, but having such a unique temperament is the three great spies. Such a master can’t see people’s abilities at first sight, so he should have one today.
"Yes," said Wangsun Xiao, stepping into the courtyard and looking at Guihai with a knife. "I didn’t expect you to grow so big in the blink of an eye."
After hearing him say this, a little doubt emerged in his surprise. "Have you seen me before?"
"I came to your house once when you were six years old."
Wangsun Xiao stopped at the center of the hospital and glanced at the well on the left side of the vegetable field and the old tree. "Your family hasn’t changed much over the years, but you were a six-year-old child and your father was still healthy."
Returning to the sea with a knife, he looked cold and said, "I don’t remember that my father had a friendship with the famous emperor Valley Master."
"Your father really seldom brings Jianghu friends home. Besides, the old man has several connections."
Wangsun Xiao shook his sleeve and said, "We used to be friends of martial arts. We all met each other to talk about comparing the skill of using saber. It was also because we happened to be near the mirror reflecting lake that he asked me to drop by and have a look."
Returning to the sea with a knife, he looked indifferent, and he didn’t have any courtesy in his heart and didn’t want to welcome this martial arts elder who claimed to be his parents’ old friend into the house.
The two of them talked with each other on a porch in a courtyard, and the two sides didn’t feel anything wrong, so the official begonia never woke up.
Seven years’ experience in Jueqing Villa has a great influence on returning to the sea, except for a few people who attach great importance to the identity of others, which makes it difficult for him to show indifference.
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