Virtual even LiXiao sounded six levels of rare animals will appear double-headed frozen.
One after another, two-headed icebreakers swooped down and killed the city wall, and Suri was also attacked
Six levels of rare beasts will be stronger than six levels of chief beasts, and many Su Li will finally cut the Red Crescent Dragon and draw it out.
A giant frog has once again rushed out of the head-on one-eyed giant frog group. This giant frog has a ferocious and horrible head like the devil, and a one-horned Suri peeks at the symbol pattern. At first glance, this is a six-level rare beast. Kill the devil giant frog and gain special abilities by using the equipment method.
When Su Li hit the overrun, he wanted to see what level the "peeping symbol pattern" of the defect level would reach after the overrun.
With the message from the overrun person, the fine line vertical eye on his forehead suddenly became real, and it actually became a vertical eye.
"the third eye opens"
Sensing this message, Su Li finally remembered that she had received a message that this "peeping symbol pattern" had evolved to the limit and could grow a third eye. Now it seems that she is in an overrun state and she can successfully evolve the defective "peeping symbol pattern" into the third eye.
He wears a helmet, and outsiders can’t see his third eye, but Su Li can observe everything through the third eye.
In this third-eye state, an incredible scene appeared. He felt that his eyes swept away, and all kinds of monster information materials appeared one after another, including weaknesses. The most important thing was that his eyesight was enhanced, and he could see far away even in the night, rather than locking a monster in the middle. The speed of the monster moving his third eye would slow down and the details of his body would be enlarged.
"It’s amazing that this third eye has so many functions." Su Li withdrew from the state of overrun, and this third eye disappeared and my heart was secretly surprised.
Compared with the "peep symbol pattern", it can’t easily capture the monster data in a longer distance and range. The most important thing is to add many new functions, such as night vision ability, dynamic capture ability, detail amplification and so on. These functions will play a great role.
It can be said that this third eye function can make his strength have a great rise again.
I was in a good mood, watching the devil giant frog appear, and Su Li finally jumped back from the wall to the square.
Tonight, the monster siege still lasted for an hour and a half. Among them, the strongest are the level 1 and 7 rare beast generals and the level 1 leader beast generals.
Fulong finally showed his real strength in front of everyone. Su Li seems that this Fulong real strength can reach the top level of "medium" combat power.
"This guy’s strength is not weak. If he can get a good treasure, he can reach the’ waiting’ power immediately."
Su Li knows that although Fu Long has talent, he doesn’t have treasure. With talent, he can become the top strong in "medium" combat power, so if he gets treasure again, he will surely become the strong in "equal" combat power.
When the first seven rare beasts will be killed, the monster army will retreat from the end of the war tonight.
Su Li now has 700 spiritual sources. Tonight, if he wants to upgrade the "Peeping Symbol", he is very hard to harvest many spiritual sources.
Shuilin beast has risen to level 6, and its weight has reached 2 kilograms, further stimulating its strength and gaining a huge rise again.
Gao Shengyi and Luo Zhanjian have been successfully promoted to level 5, and Gong Xiao, Jiang Shuixuan and Ding Longyun are almost there. Less than two hundred spiritual sources can break through and be promoted to level 5.
Ding Shi’s brother and sister have both reached the advanced level 4, and for them, every level has a huge rise.
However, at present, Su Li in the ancient city has risen to advanced level 6, and there are four levels 5, namely Fulong, Ge ‘an, Gaoshengyi and Luo Zhanjian.
Luo Zhanjian used to be Zhang Haohao, but now his strength and rank are beyond Zhang Haohao.
It can be said that every day, the strength of the people is changing, and there are many people who are amazing, but then they disappear, and some ordinary people rise.
For example, Wen Ying, the leader of the "Guohui Center", can still be regarded as a leader. Even a large group of leaders are not outstanding, let alone achieve "medium" combat power.
Yu Yingying, Sun Guowei and Li Xinyu are all nine leaders of Nanjiang Alliance, and Su Li is on an equal footing. Now there is no discourse in their ancient city.
Of course, there are also some former followers around them. Today, during the day, they finally couldn’t help but leave the ancient city, looking for a monster lair and trying to strengthen themselves. As a result, their strength was weak, and more than half of them were killed or injured. Nearly 100 people went out and fled back to 30 or 40 people.
After experiencing serious losses, Greentown, Tianhua Building and Imperial City were completely gone.
After they fled back, they also completely understood their situation. The only hope to change the status quo is to ask Su Li to forgive them.
Tonight, after the monster siege, Zou Yingying, Sun Guowei and Li Xinyu went to Su Li with the remaining 30 or 40 people, hoping to get his forgiveness and admit them into the Tiger Brigade.
No one dares to accept what they want without Su Li’s nod. They can come and beg Su Li.
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