121 King Street, Melbourne, Australia

Papman’s face was twisted, and blood flowed out of the wound cut by the dragon emperor’s sword. The ancient tree slammed into Su Li.

Su Li didn’t flash back, but with a wave of his left arm, he merged the original ancestor dragon’s strength and grasped it like a dragon’s paw to meet and collide with Papman.
Luo Cha crunchy ancient trees hit Zhong Su Li, and the African-American ancient trees stopped, and he deeply grasped them with five fingers.
The ancient tree whirled violently, and Su Li felt a sharp pain in the five fingers. These five fingers were caught in the ancient tree, and blood gushed out from the broken fingers because the ancient tree whirled all the time.
Although this wave of ten days has not returned to its peak, it is still terrible in terms of fighting power and earth. Su Li was injured
The five fingers of his left hand were twisted, and Su Li’s mouth was slightly stuffy and he suddenly bumped into his body.
His body is covered with five sacred animal armor. With the help of the five sacred animal armor, the ancient five sacred animal forces actually rotated the ancient tree and hit his arms and hugged it.
Su Li’s left hand broke and five fingers grew back. A large number of roots and branches of this ancient tree also entangled in the opposite direction, and the two sides suddenly intertwined with each other.
Su Li’s head ached, and this wave of roots and branches entangled him in the opposite direction, and then helped himself. The powerful consciousness force wanted to defeat his god knowledge and devoured his soul force.
"good!" Su Li’s growling body broke out with its arms around the ancient tree, and the original force was continuously injected into the ancient tree, and at the same time, the mind was contracted to protect its gods from infringement.
There was a "crack" in the ancient tree, which was as crisp as a bean. Papman made an earth-shattering hoarse roar with a hint of fear. "What power is this?"
Su Liyuan didn’t even know the ancient king of Papman at the beginning, and he could feel that this level of power was higher and more terrifying than his mastery of Papman.
The ancient tree was destroyed and there were many cracks. Su Li clung to this ancient tree with his arms. The original gods and demons and the original ancestors rushed into this ancient tree with two energy streams. His original force merged and this ancient tree was madly destroyed.
Chapter 177 The ancient continent
Even if the other party is really a horror in ancient times, but after all, it is broken and has not recovered to its peak. Su Li is not afraid to strike hard, because the first talent has won the original force and the explosion is more powerful than he imagined.
Just then, his second talent, the ultra-dimensional person, seemed to be lonely and faintly showed signs of launching.
Su Li’s heart moved and felt that a ray of transcendental power in his second talent flowed out and merged into his own Force. When these two forces merged, an incredible change suddenly took place. He put his arms around the ancient king of Papman, which was already broken, and the old tree vanished like ashes.
"How … maybe … I’m the ancient king …"
Papman’s face, which was lifted from the tree stem, was twisted and his eyes shot with horror.
He is the king of ancient times. On his status and strength, the five ancient emperors can overwhelm him. He said that the years have come to life. Although he was greatly weakened and did not fully recover to the peak of ancient times, he was far stronger than those ancestors who lived for millions of years.
At the moment, he feels that this kid is just a middle-level true ancestor. Although he has two ancient artifacts, he can never be his opponent
However, the sight made him very scared, and his tempered body was almost as fragile as an artifact.
"Don’t … you …"
King Papman seems to have thought of something. His eyes shot out and he was terrified. His face roared to an abrupt end. His body was shattered and disappeared, and a mass of pure energy rose.
His soul energy is very strong. After his soul was shattered, the rest of his soul became a mass of blood-red energy, and Su Li floated before him.
This time, although he borrowed a ray of the second talent, the ultra-dimensional power, the soul energy of King Papman was not completely erased, and Su Li did not lose his memory. As soon as his right hand stretched out, this blood-red energy fell into his palm.
Feel this powerful energy. If Su Libai absorbs this energy, he can help himself to improve himself just as he absorbs the energy of active metal in the white crystal.
But looking at this bloody energy, there is a faint smell of evil. Su Li frowned slightly and thought that the domain would be divided. He wanted to see the origin of this evil smell. Suddenly, he found that this bloody energy core was wrapped in a tiny puppet.
That smell that made him feel evil came from this puppet.
The puppet is carved with a villain figure and painted with a blood-red spell. At this moment, there is a crack on the puppet surface, and the evil breath is flowing away along this crack.
"Puppet … this ancient Papman hostage turned out to be a puppet puppet? It’s incredible … "
Su Li looked at the damaged blood charm puppet with a surprised look on his face.
This wave of ten-day king’s tone is very big. It seems that he was in a very high position in ancient times. So the ancient king was a puppet?
"Someone, this puppet created him through all kinds of occult arts, and he was afraid that he didn’t even know that he should have suffered heavy losses in ancient times. Listen to what he said before. He seems to be Qing Di … this Qing Di is also an ancient five emperors … but how could he suddenly come alive at this time? Is there anything in this? "
Su Li pondered over the domain of thoughts and swept through the cracked puppet, hoping to find out the source of the puppet and the ancient king of Papman through this puppet induction.
He always felt that it was not easy for this wave to suddenly come alive.
This induction Su Lizhen had a faint reaction in the turbulent flow at this moment, and his eyes shot out two divine lights and stared at it. At this moment, somewhere in the turbulent flow, he was guided by this puppet, and he felt that there was this puppet in a certain direction of the turbulent flow.
The mind immediately moves towards the depths of this turbulent time, trying to find out where the puppet gives birth to induction.
At this time, it seems that there are higher universes like Eternal Universe hidden in the final margin of turbulence. It is also a method to estimate how many higher universes were destroyed by robots and mechanical bats before, but it seems to Su Li that these destroyed higher universes are just the tip of the iceberg.
Less of his current training strength combined with the super-strong sensing ability of the thinking domain can perceive an area that is too vast to imagine, but to perceive the turbulent words at this time is like a drop of water to measure the Wang Yang sea as a drop of water.
So constantly moving Su Li’s dream field is becoming more and more miraculous and powerful as his strength rises, and the moving speed has already exceeded the unimaginable limit of ordinary people. Every time he moves in front of him, the turbulence will appear to collapse and vortex, thus giving birth to a region similar to a black hole. When he passes through this black hole again, he will jump.

  • 杭州,这座被誉为“人间天堂”的城市,不仅以其秀美的自然风光著称,更以其深厚的文化底蕴和独特的风土人情吸引着无数游客。在杭州众多值得一游的景点中,茶香拍照胜地更是别具一格,让人流连忘返。
    首先,不得不提的是径山村。位于余杭区径山镇的径山村,因茶而兴,曾上榜全国乡村特色产业产值超亿元村。这里古木参天,小桥流水,茶园绿道,是游客打卡拍照的好去处。在文化礼堂里,点茶体验让人仿佛穿越回宋代,感受茶文化的魅力。村里依托3000余亩茶园,统一品牌、统一管理,全面推进生态种植、精深加工,线上线下营销,做强茶产业。在这里,游客可以尽情拍摄茶乡美景,感受浓郁的茶文化氛围。 其次,杨梅岭村也是一处茶香拍照胜地。地处西湖风景名胜区南线的杨梅岭,是钱江景区中九溪十八涧的发源地。这里的茶山绿意盎然,空气清新,是隐居的好去处。杨梅岭村特殊的地理环境、气候条件,使得这里的狮峰龙井茶品质上乘。游客可以漫步茶园,呼吸空气里的清香,走进茶农家,观赏制茶过程,体验茶农的辛勤劳作。此外,杨梅岭村内的隐岭乡宿,更是让人枕着茶香入梦的好地方。 此外,龙井茶园也是杭州茶香拍照胜地之一。这里地处杭州市山城区佑圣观路188号,是西湖景区内原生态较好的风景胜地。从原有的生活世界抽离,隐居其中,会立刻感到被四周的绿色所包围,空气里也弥漫出一种宁静和清新。在这里,游客可以拍摄茶园美景,感受自然与人文的和谐共融。 当然,杭州还有许多其他茶香拍照胜地,如钟书阁、云栖竹径等。钟书阁位于杭州市拱墅区北城街55号人防大厦B座,是一个充满文艺气息的拍照圣地。而云栖竹径则是一处充满浪漫气息的地方,曾是《卧虎藏龙》电影拍摄取景地,成片的竹林和古风十足的小亭子,让人仿佛置身于仙境之中。 总之,杭州的茶香拍照胜地众多,既有自然风光,又有文化底蕴。在这里,游客可以尽情拍摄美景,感受茶文化的魅力,度过一段难忘的时光。不妨在杭州的茶乡漫步,让茶香陪伴你的旅行,留下美好的回忆。
  • 杭州,这座古老而现代交织的城市,不仅以其秀美的西湖风光闻名遐迩,更有着浓厚的人文气息。在杭州的街头巷尾,露天茶座成了人们休闲娱乐的好去处。这些茶座,犹如城市中的小憩之地,让人在繁忙的生活中找到一份宁静与惬意。
    漫步在杭州的街头,你总会发现那些别具一格的露天茶座。它们或许隐藏在绿树成荫的小巷,或许坐落在风景如画的西湖边。在这里,人们可以一边品茗,一边欣赏美景,感受生活的美好。 走进露天茶座,首先映入眼帘的是那些各式各样的茶具。茶座的主人精心挑选了各式茶叶,从绿茶、红茶到乌龙茶,应有尽有。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的龙井茶,也可以尝试一下独特的红茶。每一杯茶都散发着浓郁的香气,让人陶醉。 坐在茶座里,你可以听到各种声音。有孩子们欢快的笑声,有年轻人谈笑风生的声音,也有老年人悠闲自得的交谈声。这些声音交织在一起,构成了杭州露天茶座独特的氛围。在这里,人们放下生活中的疲惫,享受片刻的宁静。 杭州的露天茶座,不仅仅是一个品茗的地方,更是一个社交的场所。朋友相约在此,谈论着生活的点滴;情侣漫步其间,享受着浪漫的时光;家人团聚在此,共享天伦之乐。这些茶座,见证了杭州人生活中的喜怒哀乐。 夜晚的露天茶座更是别有一番风味。华灯初上,茶座里灯火通明。人们围坐在茶座旁,一边品尝着美食,一边欣赏着夜色中的西湖。月光洒在湖面上,波光粼粼,美不胜收。此时此刻,你仿佛置身于人间仙境。 露天茶座里的美食也是一大亮点。各种杭州特色小吃在这里应有尽有,如炸鸡、臭豆腐、油墩子等。这些美食与茶香相得益彰,让人回味无穷。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食与茶香带来的愉悦。 然而,杭州的露天茶座并非没有烦恼。近年来,随着城市的发展,一些露天茶座因为占道经营、环境卫生等问题被拆除。这让许多茶座爱好者感到惋惜。但与此同时,相关部门也在努力改善露天茶座的环境,使其更好地融入城市生活。 总之,杭州露天茶座是这座城市的一大特色。在这里,人们可以放下生活的压力,尽情地享受茶香、美食和美景。无论是与朋友聚会,还是独自一人小憩,露天茶座都是你不错的选择。让我们一起走进杭州的露天茶座,感受这座城市的魅力吧!
  • 标题:杭州金牛大厦水疗中心——尽享奢华与健康的完美融合
    导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。近年来,水疗中心作为一种集休闲、养生、美容于一体的综合性场所,受到了广大消费者的青睐。位于杭州金牛大厦的金牛大厦水疗中心,以其奢华的设施、专业的服务、独特的疗法,成为众多追求高品质生活的消费者的首选之地。 一、环境优雅,奢华品味 金牛大厦水疗中心位于杭州金牛大厦内,地处繁华的商业区,交通便利。中心整体设计风格典雅、大气,融入了东方元素和现代设计理念,营造出一种宁静、舒适的氛围。步入水疗中心,仿佛置身于一个充满奢华与尊贵的世界。 二、专业团队,贴心服务 金牛大厦水疗中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,其中包括资深水疗师、美容师、营养师等。他们均经过严格的专业培训,具备丰富的实践经验,为顾客提供个性化、专业化的服务。在中心,顾客可以享受到以下贴心服务: 1. 咨询与预约:顾客可根据自身需求,预约心仪的项目和技师,享受一对一的专业咨询。 2. 环境保护:中心注重环保,采用绿色、健康的装修材料,确保顾客在舒适的环境中享受水疗。 3.… Read more: 标题:杭州金牛大厦水疗中心——尽享奢华与健康的完美融合