Chu Yiwei smiled and said, "Yuan Hong’s ability is not rash. It’s still no problem to keep Si Shui until we arrive."
This is when Chu Yi and Wen Zhong talked about the death of Yuan Hong in Han Rong, but Yuan Hong was facing the siege of Xiqiao Army.
This time, Yuan Hong didn’t go out of the city to invite war with Xiqi. He had predicted that once the two sides invited war, his Lord would be in a bad situation. At that time, Zhu Zhen and others alone would not be able to keep Si Shui.
Once Si Shui is lost, he will explain to Chu Yi and Wen Zhong.
Shout and kill teams of Xiqiao soldiers rushed to the city wall, and the big stones of the city wall were thrown away to smash all the people.
In such a tragic siege situation, the eyes of the generals on both sides are not moving at all. Obviously, they have long been used to this scene.
It is Zhu Zhen, Dai Li and others who look at several people fighting to die in front of themselves, which is quite shocking.
After all, they have never been exposed to such a situation in their daily practice, and it is conceivable that it comes from the shock of the heart to watch so many people die and injured at such a close distance.
When several people looked at Yuan Hong, Yuan Hong looked calm as if he were unaffected, which made Zhu Zhen, Dai Li and Jin Dasheng show admiration.
However, Jin Dasheng never imagined that Yuan Hongshi was not as calm as he showed, but Yuan Hong, an army coach, had to stabilize the situation in front of so many people regardless of his feelings.
However, Yuan Hong was able to stabilize the situation for the first time in the face of such a large-scale war scene, which shows that the commander-in-chief can.
At the beginning, Yuan Hongtong, a pioneer in pacifying the rebellion in the North Sea, did not have an siege war at that time, and naturally he did not see such a tragic siege scene.
Accurately speaking, it can be said that this is the first time that Yuan Hong has been able to perform in a real unified army war, which is by no means comparable to ordinary people.
Watching Jiang Ya smoothing his beard from the rear is a bit worried. Not only Jiang Ya Nangong Shi, Boyi Kao and other generals are also worried.
They may not be able to see it, or they may not worry about the death and injury of ordinary people at the moment.
Jiang Ya whispered, "Si Shui Yuan Hong really has some ability to keep the city so watertight, even if we break Si Shui, I’m afraid we’ll push eastward."
Jiangya Institute is also worried by Boyikao and others. After all, if they want to conquer big businesses, they will eventually rely on the army to advance. If the soldiers and horses are killed and injured, what will they take to occupy the city and maintain their rule?
"The two immortals don’t know if there is any way for them to capture Yuan Hong," said Boyi, with his eyes fixed on the moral Buddha and his way of doing things.
Catch the thief first, shoot the man first, shoot the horse first. The Boyi test is still in my heart, so I will ask for a way. The two of them will take Yuan Hong. Once the coach is gone, the defense of Si Shui will be chaotic. When the time comes, we can attack Si Shui at one stroke.
Hearing the request of the Boyi test, the Buddha looked at each other with the pure moral Buddha, and he slowly said, "Since the duke invited us, we will go once and the duke captured the demon."
Hearing this, Boyi Kao said with great joy, "I would be grateful if I could take the lead in breaking the Si Shui."
With the wave, the Buddha walked out of the tent with the pure moral Buddha, and Xiangyun went straight to Si Shui.
Zheng Cheng sat in Yuan Hongyi and saw the pure moral Buddha and the Taoist Buddha.
In the heart a tight Yuan Hong clenched in a fire and water stick, but it was afraid to look at them.
"If the demon monkey knows what to do, he will retreat to Xiqiao as soon as possible. Is it that you should follow the direction of the weather? Is it that you want to go against the sky and use the gladiator’s arm as a car?"
Yuan Hongwen couldn’t help but frowned and laughed. "What should Shun Shun Tao? I think Xiqi is the real chaotic minister. It’s really funny that I should want to rebel. This is not a big rebellion. How did it become Shun Shun Tao in your mouth?"
"Knowing the evil spirits and knowing the operation of heaven, Xiqi Daishang is a destiny. Even if you have the means to reach the sky, you can’t go against the sky and change your life. If you resist, you will die."
Looking at Yuan Hongqing virtual moral Buddha threatened.
"Ha, ha, ha, have something to cut your grandpa Yuan Hong."
Since Yuan Hong didn’t want to fight to the death, he threw his scruples in his heart and directly scolded the pure moral Buddha.
Your explanation teaches Twelve Jinxian who comes into contact with Sanxiu on weekdays and is not flattering them. When have you ever been so scolded?
"The demon monkey should die!"
Mo Xie’s sword in the hands of Qing Xu’s moral Buddha flashed with a treasure light, and a finger toward Yuan Hong suddenly saw a flash of golden light.
There is a poem saying that neither copper nor iron nor gold is the essence of dry yuan; It’s wonderful to change shape. You must know that you can kill and live.
Mo Xie’s sword, golden light, flashed and his head fell. It can be said that the mountain treasure of Zhenshanbao was sacrificed at this moment. It can be seen that the mountain treasure of Zhenshanbao is pure and moral. This is to prepare for Yuan Hong’s life.
Yuan Hong’s heart throbbed for a moment and he heard a jingle. Yuan Hong’s head was raised backwards. Yang Xian was caused by a strong impact, and a white dot appeared at Yuan Hong’s neck. It was the Mo Xie sword attack.
"How is it possible!"
For their own treasures, the moral Buddha is naturally full of confidence. It seems to him that as soon as Mo Xie’s sword comes out, Yuan Hong’s head will fall to the ground
However, it is hard for him to believe that Yuan Hong took a blow from his sword simply because he was physically strong. Mo Xie’s sword power actually chopped Yuan Hong’s head off, which would be shocking if he didn’t let the pure moral Buddha feel it.
Aside, the Buddha is also looking at one leng. To tell the truth about the treasures in the hands of the pure moral Buddha, it is clearer than envy. Mo Xie’s sword can know that even if he is accidentally beheaded, he will be beheaded on the spot.
"Demon monkey, you practice and so on. Your body is so strong."
Yuan Hong touched the neck where it hurts, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. "You hurt me and eat me with a stick."
Speaking, Yuan Hong danced with a fire, water and stick in his hands and smashed it towards the empty moral Buddha. The empty moral Buddha hurriedly waved his sword to resist the sound, and the empty moral Buddha repeatedly retreated a few steps, which was obviously shaken back by Yuan Hong.
"So much for Twelve Jinxian."
When I heard Yuan Hong say this, I looked at each other with a cold hum in my heart. At the same time, I silently ignited the letter and asked for help. At the same time, I took out the fans.
The five-fire and seven-bird fan looks excellent, so it is very eye-catching to see that there is such an extra fan in the hands of the pure and empty moral Buddha. Yuan Hong’s heart is dedicated to teaching Jin Xian Lingbao, and many of them emerge one after another, so he is instantly vigilant.
Yuan Hong was drowned by the fire in the cave of Qingxu Moral Tianzun.
Chapter one thousand three hundred and fifty-two Tool Shen Gongbao
Uniting the Nine Xuangong Yuan Hong’s physical strength is not afraid of Mo Xie’s sword. Although this five-fire and seven-bird fan is said to be a treasure.
The idle yogi can’t carry this fire, but it is hard to hurt Yuan Hong.
The fire was raging, the moral Buddha and the Taoist Buddha looked dignified and looked at Yuan Hong coming out of the fire.
At the moment, even two people realized that Yuan Hong was tough. You know, Mo Xie’s sword and five fires and seven birds fans are definitely the most powerful treasures they can take out. Neither of these two treasures can give Yuan Hong, which means that they have no treasures to win and rely on for Yuan Hong.
Glancing at them coldly, Yuan Hong’s fire, water, and fire sticks in his hands slammed at the clear moral Buddha and said, "You also eat my stick!"
Where is the pure and empty moral Buddha? Yuan Hong’s opponent recklessly fell into the wind. If it weren’t for the advanced way and the strong man’s condition, I’m afraid he has been ringing off the hook by Yuan Hong at the moment. Even so, the pure and empty moral Buddha is evasive and very embarrassed.
On the good side, there is a Taoist Buddha waving a magic pestle. From time to time, the moral Buddha blocks some attacks, and the second manpower finally stops Yuan Hong.
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