The butterfly orchid fell lightly from a big tree, and the pale blue lip was pressed tightly, and she was in a bad mood.
Later, Li Jue’s face fell beside her, and there was no joy at all. After the array was broken, his eyes were almost the same, and his eyes stung the still twisted tree shadow.
For a long time, the man spoke, "Are you all right?"
"Just a little bit" Shuidielan didn’t deliberately hide that her shaking gauze sleeve showed a long seam that had just cracked.
At first glance, this gap is cut by a sharp knife from the wrist to the shoulder. Through the gap, you can see the skin inside as coagulated fat, and there is a shallow white mark on the skin that is about to disappear.
"If it is cut and kept, it will be a big trouble."
Shui butterfly orchid is too lazy to explain that she is a super-class consciousness to control the sharp edge of the sword, because it seems to her that just now, the two of them struggled to pursue their goals and swam around freely, and finally managed to escape, no matter what the reason, it was a shame.
After a little relaxation, Shuidielan turned to ask, "What’s going on over there?"
"I don’t know … it’s not what I hope."
Li Xun forced himself to turn around and look at the forbidden arrangement that was completely destroyed.
Nearly 50 monks fell to the ground with different postures, but the central area of these people was deliberately leveled, and it remained calm at this time. All the estimated changes in Qi and vitality did not happen.
But Li Xun still saw a piece of red feather that should go deep underground in the middle of the school, falling slowly.
It seems that something … has popped up.
In order to avoid the appearance of self-attack, Li Xun completely broke the control of the flying feather array of the blood spirit, so it is difficult to explain what the indestructible blood spirit feather sword encountered at that moment and was forcefully ejected from the sky.
However, this also proves that there must be a great thing on this densely covered forbidden ground.
Li Jue Yao took back Qingyu’s specialty and looked at it carefully.
The flowing light of feathers is still deep and remote blue, but the bloodshot inside is denser. He wanted to stretch out his hand and stroke to separate out a large number of JingXie Li ‘o, and he felt that the source power of green feathers was surprisingly active.
"It’s weird"
"What is it?" Water butterfly orchid seems to have forgotten the embarrassment before. With curiosity, she took the lead in flying there. Li Xun called carefully and collected the green feather and followed.
Things have changed since the two talents flew halfway.
The punctured ground finally reacted.
A string of dull grunts sounded, and then the two of them saw that the flat ground suddenly bulged out a hill two feet high, and then it was washed out by a huge force to create an irregular mouth. At that time, the earth and stone splashed and screamed.
Both of them were surprised and stopped watching from afar.
Li Jue is even more puzzled. It seems that there is no drastic change in qi activity here, and there is no obvious fluctuation in vitality. The 3,000-gun array is still running in an orderly way, and the Armageddon is still accumulating. Where did this force come from?
"It seems … something is coming?" Water butterfly orchid does not induce, but is good for her own day. She turned her face and smiled. "Maybe this is a crater?" Or did your bloody feather sword puncture a vein somewhere? "
Her guess is more like irony. Li Xun grinned and didn’t answer.
At this time, the ground crack and spewing momentum became more violent. At first glance, it really looked like a small volcanic eruption and Li Xun, who was two or three miles away, also felt the hot air jet from it.
Heaven and earth finally changed.
When the erupting airflow reaches a certain limit, it will be unstable, and the momentum of the heavens and the earth will have to react. As a result, the surrounding storms will be gradually dispersed, and the limited array of weapons seems to appear white.
Although the East China Sea coast is not worth thousands of miles, it seems that the scope is still expanding.
"Maybe you finally got up at this time when the array was broken?"
Shuidielan smiled and said layman’s words, but Li Xun couldn’t laugh. He shook his head silently and paused. His eyebrows frowned and sank. "Something really came."
The ground fissures expand, the speed of air gushing slows down, and the powerful thrust slowly pushes something up.
Two people stare at there without blinking.
The hissing sound of the airflow is abnormally low, and it seems that the energy is exhausted, but then an earth-rock object with different colors floats to pink and warm colors, but now there is a layer of cold that instantly permeates people’s backs.
Perhaps it was because the evil storm was exhausted that the wind whistling in the forest never stopped and disappeared. Li Xun could almost hear the soft breathing of creatures in the cracks on the ground.
"Lin … worry?"
The girl Li Xun knew very well just floated from the ground. She wore a pink shirt with her eyes closed and her hair was half long. Her little face was always stretched and her brow was slightly wrinkled, as if she had fallen into a nightmare.
Beyond imagination, reality just appeared in front of Li Xun.
At this moment, the most noble source of power from heaven and earth seized his absence and reacted violently.
Next to the sudden disappearance of the butterfly orchid, I just realized that Li Xun could see her instantly crossing several miles and coming to the ground with her fingers sticking out and pointing out without hesitation.
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