Changsheng gave his players full confidence.
He believes that his players are worthy of Thaksin.
Although they have been together for a season and nine games.
But this season and nine games, they have experienced a lot together.
These things helped them to establish a very deep tacit understanding with Changsheng, and this tacit understanding will be played at the most critical moment.
Hertha, who was in the lead in the past, said that he had an advantage in both score and psychology, but when Atletico Madrid equalized the score, they had an advantage.
This psychological gap did not make Hertha players feel depressed.
After experiencing the club’s economic crisis, their psychological quality is better than that of the players in the general second-division teams, and even better than these Atletico Madrid players.
Even the club is going to be dissolved. What is there to be afraid of?
It’s just a promotion quota with Atletico Madrid, which is much cuter than the dissolution of the club!
More importantly, they can give up taking part in such games and work hard on the court, but since they are here, they must win 42 league games throughout the season, 41 of which they all play the last game by themselves. They are coaches.
It’s really not good to play by yourself, but you can give up at your own risk.
But the coach can’t give up even if he kicks and kills!
Coach’s business is much more important than their own business!
Hertha players didn’t panic after losing the ball, but continued to hold the defense line and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.
To outsiders, Hertha didn’t seem to be touched by the goal, and they were in no hurry.
In the eyes of people who appreciate Hertha, Hertha is a typical performance of calm and old-fashioned
If you don’t like the Hertha people, you will get the impression that Hertha has given up.
Now in Calderon, Hertha people who don’t like it account for the vast majority.
In their opinion, Hertha is indifferent because they have panicked and don’t know what to do. They have lost their judgment and they have surrendered.
Their failure is foreseeable.
Salvatore’s goal is not enough.
It seems that he can’t compete with Hertha Charles in the competition for the top scorer in the league.
But at least he can completely step on Hertha and lead Atletico Madrid back to Serie A with this victory.
A season ago, when he chose to join Atletico Madrid, those experts’ glasses were broken all over the floor, and there were rumors outside that he had chosen to join Atletico Madrid, and there were all kinds of ugly words.
Now he leads Atletico Madrid back to the first division is the best way to fight back against those people!
Let them know how correct their original choice was!
What’s the point of winning the top scorer in the league and then moving to another big team?
It’s awesome to condescend to go to Serie B like me to save a down-and-out giant!
A season will let you see a fire-reborn phoenix nirvana as Salva!
This goal made his confidence explode, and he frequently raised his hand to signal his teammates to give him the football.
If someone doesn’t give it to him, he will lose his temper, wave his hand and complain endlessly.
Kiko is the most dazzling star without this team in this game.
Although Torres is favored by the president of the club, he can’t compete with himself in terms of qualifications and achievements.
Those old guys in the team are even worse than themselves. They are backcourt players. How can they compare with their top scorer?
Salvatore now feels that he is the number one star of Atletico Madrid.
He is in high spirits.
Plug Passareira found that Hernando Torres didn’t come to pester him again, but he couldn’t have gone to find Torres himself.
He kept his place and did his duty.
Although Torres caused him some trouble at half-time, he still liked the feeling of playing against Torres.
When he was in Hertha, he heard the name of Hernando Torres.
Such a genius can compete with him, which makes Sai Passareira full of sense of accomplishment.
Although others say that he is a genius, his reputation as a genius is obviously not as great as that of Torres, and he doesn’t recognize himself as a great genius, which is far from Torres.
It’s hard to compete with the future "golden boy" of Spain and China. Sai Passareira is very much looking forward to it
I didn’t expect Torres to run away after only half a game, which made him unable to follow.
Just when he still had some regrets, another Atletico Madrid player came into his sight.
Salvatore rushed to the plug Passareira defense without looking at him. He looked back at his teammates and raised their arms to signal them to give him the ball.
Maybe he doesn’t care who the Hertha players are around him.
Just scored the goal, he feels that he is in very good condition now, and his feet are hot and hot.
You should shoot in this state!
Otherwise, there will be waves!
Torres is a main point in Atletico Madrid’s attack, and the top scorer of Salvatore’s team is also an important attack point.
If he wants the ball in the right place, he will naturally give it to him.
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