"What shall we do next?"
Ten Tibetan loquats now believe in Chiba, and he follows everything.
Chiba’s dark eyes looked out of the window and whispered, "Just wait and watch the drama!"
A week later, one morning, the training ground in the northwest corner of Wuyin Village is a lonely forest.
In front of a stream, a man and a woman stood quietly, and the green tree was silent and motionless.
It’s slightly bright, but you can still see the trees. Men and women are tall, handsome, sexy and charming.
Yes, these two people are Chiba and Terumi Mei.
At this time, Terumi Mei looked at Chiba with his hands holding his chest and his eyes complicated. Yes, Chiba turned into a former Gao Fushuai who entered the foggy village and found Terumi Mei.
Terumi Mei was shocked when he saw Chiba, and hurriedly pulled Chiba to this rare place.
Of course, they are not here to do anything shameful.
"I didn’t expect you to dare to come to the village? ! Do you know that you have a wanted order in Wuyin Village or that everyone in S-class Wuyin Village wants to kill you! "
Terumi Mei charming eyes reveal complex eyes gawk at chiba.
Chiba literally nodded and looked at Terumi Mei with a pair of so-called dark eyes. "What about you? Do you also want to kill me? !”
Then step by step to Terumi Mei, lift her bright and clean, and the magnetic sound rings in her ear.
Terumi Mei was suddenly sprayed with masculinity, and her body went soft. She turned away from Chiba’s fiery eyes.
"What are you doing in Wuyin Village? What did Suikazan Fuguki tell you? What role did you play in his betrayal of Wuyin and collusion with Konoha? "
Terumi Mei bit her delicate and charming red lips and asked gently.
"I said I was koo, do you believe it? !”
Chiba gently stroked Terumi Mei’s hair, like a husband stroking his wife, with a spoiled and loving face.
"I believe … go to hell!"
Terumi Mei shoulders constantly stirred up towering chest is also constantly ups and downs, suddenly stopped the jade hand, a sharp bitter appeared in the palm, turned around and stabbed Chiba hard.
Chiba left Terumi Mei for a blink of an eye for more than ten meters. "It seems that you have made up your mind!"
Terumi Mei’s charming eyes throw a glad eye at Chiba. If young men of school age in Wuyin Village see that their goddess is winking at a man, I don’t know how many people will be hurt.
It is estimated that you will spend several tissues that night. Don’t think about it. It’s time to wipe your tears.
"Although I like handsome men, I don’t like betraying village men. Who are you? Close to me? What is your true face? "
Chiba transformation should also be solved. To be honest, it is very troublesome to maintain transformation if fighting.
A burst of white smoke dispersed in Chiba, and the true face was also exposed. In front of Terumi Mei, the original height of 1.5 meters was also much shorter, but the appearance of 1.7 meters was still handsome, and the eyes were dark and deep, but there was less maturity and more youth and tenderness.
Terumi Mei looked at Chiba with a little doubt in her eyes. She knew that Chiba was not the real face. She would have a strange face, but looking at Chiba’s face gave her a feeling of deja vu.
Seems to have seen it somewhere.
If it is Cyclops Qingchang, his perceptual ninja is the most sensitive to chakra and ninja breath, and he can remember that most of the strong breath will definitely be able to recognize at a glance (really) that this is a Konoha ninja who fought with him.
It’s a pity that Terumi Mei doesn’t have a specialization in that industry.
"Eat me!"
Whoa, whoa!
Terumi Mei charming drink a jade hand shot several shuriken sky shuriken quickly attack to chiba.
Chiba’s eyes fly backwards and he is proficient in body art. He has also studied teleportation with Shuiping. If you talk about speed alone, Chiba can at least rank in the top ten.
Dangdang dang!
Several shuriken shot down in front of Chiba, and shuriken was set up all over the ground, as if those carjacking roads had been taken.
"Water escape, water dragon play!"
When Terumi Mei saw that a blow could not be quickly printed, the delicate white jade hand was dazzling, and the water environment could make the perfect water escape her stream, which was even more powerful
Chiba’s eyes shrink, and the printing speed is too fast.
There is a parameter for later generations to evaluate the strength of a ninja. Printing speed is one of them. Ninjutsu is the most basic ability for many ninjas. After all, ninjas often have to deal with various emergencies such as assassinations.
No one can give you enough time to print.
Namikaze Minato, the fourth generation of Naruto, is a typical example. Namikaze Minato, a powerful ninja, didn’t get a powerful ninja. Most of them had a spiral pill, but he was skilled in the second-shot flying Raytheon and powerful teleportation, which made all ninjas feel more headache than fear.
Just like League of Legends, if the fox has a melee Q, no passive skills, no other skills and no big moves, but there is a d1 second flash, then the fox will definitely beat most heroes.
How many ninjas have a luxury wish before they die?
"sharingan is open!"
Same Sanskrit intonation, same handprint, same speed
Two identical hoses appeared instantly beside the stream.
Can deal with Terumi Mei at least "9" printing ability has Chiba kaleidoscope sharingan pupil power.
Chiba opened her latosolic red eyes, and three dark gouyu quickly fought to copy Terumi Mei Ninjutsu synchronously.
It’s sharingan’s ability to give back what he has done, which is quite a bit of a struggle.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Secret investigation
At this time, the ninja in the fog is also very casual. Although he still carries a small amount of weapons, it means one thing
Rest in the front line and rest in the village are two completely different concepts. The front line can’t relax its vigilance at any time, but the rear area has no security concerns.
A few people eating grilled fish and chewing barbecue are very comfortable. One of them is a little wider and fatter, which makes no difference with the wooden Ye Qiu Dao clan.
They are munching on the fat man suddenly said, "Have you heard? Four generations of Shui Ying and Yagura things … "
Ninja in the mouth say with smile "is it not four generations of Shui Ying adults and Terumi Mei emotional problems? I heard that Shui Ying’s adult has unrequited love for Terumi Mei, but Terumi Mei doesn’t like Shui Ying’s adult’s appearance like a child. I think it’s also the first beauty in Fog Hidden Village like Terumi Mei, and it’s only natural that I, a man with a strong body, deserve to refuse Shui Ying’s adult. "
All different mouth with disdain "cut! ! !”
Fat eyes flashed a little red light, and the ninja could not be seen at the moment. None of them found him whispering. "Do you know what happened that time?" I heard that Suikazan Fuguki’s adult discovered four generations of Shui Ying anomalies before being framed and killed by Shui Ying. "
Hot spring room
"I heard that four generations of Shui Ying were controlled and Suikazan Fuguki’s adult smashed Shui Ying, and Shui Ying was so angry that it would happen."
snack bar
"Do you know that four generations of Shui Ying and Yagura were controlled by the Uchihiro Konoha family and then discovered by Suikazan Fuguki, the captain of the seven men who endured the knife, and then four generations of Shui Ying framed Suikazan Fuguki after contacting Konoha …"
Wuyin village Shui Ying office
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