Although Ling Lan made some laws to hide him from some people in Shushan or demons when he was flying and practicing with him, he knew that he could easily break through that battle, but he could not escape this beautiful Leng Yan woman.
At this time, Xigang is a Millennium dream, but once it is realized, it will put a lot of things away, just like what he said to Wentao just now, and the front realm is completely different.
The long teeth and a pair of small wings behind him rushed out, but the wings were small, but the movement in the west accelerated his speed and allowed him to rotate and change direction at will at high speed
Linglan didn’t make Xianjian a dragon whip against the enemy.
The dragon whip is really like a dragon … A dragon whip in Linglan’s hand makes the dragon whip form a protective western gang attack around him. Although it is very strong and fast, it is stopped outside.
And the dragon whip’s random attack has also hit just the strength to enter the king’s western class.
The pain is severe, but it is stronger than his grand dukes. Many people have been whipped by dragons, and dozens of them can hold on.
Wen Tao always pays attention to the change of other body’s condition. With his constant urging of strength, the substance containing original blood becomes more active. Wen Tao suddenly has an idea that these substances are increasing with the increase of strength. Now there are many such substances in the blood of Xigang, which enhances the defense and speed attack of Xigang.
If these substances become stronger and finally combine with the body blood to form original blood or similar original blood, does it mean that the blood clan really changes, just like the god beast gets the memory?
For the time being, this is still a guess, but there is no doubt that Xigang’s strength has increased. According to his changes these days, his speed of absorbing reiki is much faster. It really has an innate advantage. Although there is no suitable achievement method for them or it is not known whether they can practice any achievement method, it is absolutely rare to have their own gathering needles.
At present, according to the calculation of the repair world, the strength of the western class has reached the peak in the early stage of spiritual cultivation, and its comprehensive strength is stronger than that of the general repair world in the middle stage of spiritual cultivation
He is still just entering the blood clan king level. Wen Tao probably estimated that if he reaches the top of the king level, I am afraid he will be able to reach the strongest state in the later period of recuperation, plus their advantages, and have a chance to compare with the early period of cave deficiency.
So it seems that the blood clan emperor level should be able to reach the empty period. I wonder if it is their highest achievement, or if none of them can achieve it
"Splash ….." The dragon whip in Linglan’s hand was slightly aggravated by two, and finally Xigang could not afford to lie down.
However, Xigang’s face showed a strange expression, and some unwilling expressions were satisfied that he had finally reached the level of king, but in the face of the East, the level of king was as good as that of the Grand Duke.
"Do you feel his strength?" Window looked at pack up whip Linglan asked.
"Well …" Ling Lan thought for a moment and nodded. "It’s very good. If the former so-called Grand Duke is scum, he is rare. Moreover, he has just risen. If he is stabilized sometimes, he should be more powerful. If he has the opportunity to practice a word or enter Shu Mountain several times, his strength should increase rapidly. At that time, the speed at which he absorbed aura in Shu Mountain surprised me."
Wen Tao looked at Xigang again and asked, "Xigang, how many grand dukes do you have in the west now?"
Although Xigang can’t afford to be beaten, Linglan is very well controlled. His real injury is not serious and his resilience is very good. Although there is some pain, it is still tolerable for Xigang.
"There are at least 1,500 or so, and there are many more." I hope that at this time, I will try my best to support myself to sit up and take a long breath. "Because for thousands of years, it is difficult for everyone to rise after arriving at the Grand Duke, although there are often battles, but the death of the Grand Duke is not high, and more and more Grand Dukes are gradually."
"Oh!" Wentao nodded his head. It seems that there are not many people caught by Kong Wenhao with the sword of the East compared with the blood clan of the West.
Because they caught people with dozens of grand dukes inside.
Wentao thought at this time that if these grand dukes were allowed to give a few drops of original blood, the amount would be considerable.
It’s strange that I suddenly felt a chill when I saw Wen Tao’s eyes with a smile in them. I’m not even afraid of anatomy and death. How can I feel a little cold when I look at this doctor Wen?
"Get another drop of original blood." Wentao took out a gourd again, but this time he specially told Xigang the number to avoid his own sudden inability to get more.
Xigang completely didn’t understand what Bai Wentao was going to do, but he didn’t hesitate this time, and there was not so much nonsense, which confirmed that he had just dropped a drop of original blood directly into the gourd as soon as he came out.
It doesn’t matter if you recover quickly from the injury, but after a drop of original blood drops out, Xigang’s face becomes a little ugly again.
"Eat him" Wentao took the gourd and looked at the original blood inside, then threw a poly-magic pill to Xigang.
This drop of king-level original blood is compared with the original blood of the Grand Duke, and it is completely incompatible as if two people reject blood, and the power contained in this king-level original blood is much stronger than that contained in the Grand Duke.
Interesting phenomenon. These blood are really weird and can be upgraded.
When Wentao studied Xigang and took it and ate it directly, he felt that a huge aura penetrated into the wounds of the body, and the speed of recovery was ten times faster than that of healing, while the loss caused by the loss of a drop of original blood was quickly compensated.
It is amazing that the primordial blood quickly absorbs the medicinal properties of Polypanacis, and when it is absorbed, it not only recovers, but is even stronger than before.
This ….. How is this possible? How did Xigang take himself to a place like another world before, but now he just throws himself a pill and takes it himself, and the effect is so magical.
Xigang slowly got up, which was very standard. There were eyes puzzled and looked up at Wentao.
He knows that he won’t die, Wentao. They have great power and the ability to decide their own life and death at any time. But obviously, he doesn’t kill people easily for fun. It seems that he should be studying the secrets of the blood clan, but he doesn’t know what kind of research he will conduct next.
Wen Tao studied the blood situation for a while and looked at the recovered western skeleton. It was found that it still had an impact, which was different from the recovery after promotion. At this time, although it relied on the rapid recovery of medicinal properties, for Wen Tao, who had been paying attention to the changes of other bodies, his body contained protoplasm as if it had been diluted
Not as strong as before, but obviously these substances will change and grow slowly.
The most benefit of studying the original blood is that Wen Tao has created a way of using his body to energy from the lightning boxing, but Wen Tao has a more special idea at this time, although he can’t help it for the time being …
Speak of the devil.
Wentao just thought of Kong Wenhao and Oriental Sword and received their communication. Two people have already rushed back to the city to ask Wentao, but they can hear that their tone is very hasty. Wentao immediately told his position.
These two men, Wen Tao, are a little naive. Look at the communication stone, communication stone, some methods, and the public forgot to tell them. Because they are where they are, they should be able to find themselves directly according to their displayed positions.
In less than ten minutes, two flying swords fell to the ground in a flash. For more than half a year, Kong Wenhao and the Oriental Sword were already in sight.
Chapter two hundred Goodbye two masters
At the sight of Kong Wenhao’s sword with the East, Xi Gang’s face could not help but clench his fist with a slight twitch.
"Blood clan king class ….." Kong Wenhao and Oriental Sword are now quite familiar with the blood clan. The first move they made was to point the flying sword at Xigang, which is a special one among the Grand Duke.
"You have reached the level of king …" Kong Wenhao couldn’t believe it. I didn’t expect to see another level of blood clan according to Wentao’s position.
"Ah …" Wentao said hello before he left. "Don’t come ill, two masters."
"Doctor Wen"
"Doctor Wen"
Wentao has always talked from Kong Jie, but the two dare not ask Da Wentao to rebuild their kindness.
Two people are waiting for Cong people to know the situation of the blood clan very well. They also arrested Xigang some time ago and threw it to the country to give it to Wentao … Two people, you look at me, I look at you, then at Xigang and then at Wentao.
In my heart, everything is white at once. This miracle can only happen here with a doctor Wen, and there is nothing to worry about here with a doctor Wen.
"When I came back, it happened that Dr. Wen wasn’t here now. It seems that Dr. Wen has made great progress just after he got back." Kong Wenhao once again took one look at Xigang’s injury and just recovered his momentum. Xigang also looked at Kong Wenhao.
It’s like having another competition between two people.
Oriental Sword said, "Most of all, we seek revenge from some blood clan, but more and more blood clans are involved, which is getting out of hand gradually, and we didn’t think too much when we fought. We just defeated people and sealed them up, so that people were transported back. Later, when we came back from an accident, we found that people were full and added a lot of trouble to the clinic."
Talking with white people and doing things are just different. What have you not waited for? I have already said the problem in Wentao’s heart. Perhaps it should be said that it is the problem in Yanlin’s heart. Wentao has already thought about this.
However, this aspect is also a problem. Wen Taolai also intends to ask them to what extent the fighting against the blood clan in the West has developed.
Obviously, the two men are also very white. Wen Tao asked Kong Wenhao once again, "The most important thing is to take revenge on those blood clans who have made enemies, but after all, they are born and raised in the West and the blood clans are also very close to each other. They found a lot of people to help them, so the battle got bigger and bigger, and then it was almost uncontrollable. However, if it was only a grand duke, even if there were more, it would be difficult to hurt us. I didn’t expect that a blood clan said that it was a genius in the blood clan."
"King level …" Wentao hasn’t said anything yet. Xigang couldn’t help but exclaim that he himself entered the king level because of Wentao’s help at this time, but for the said king level, he is still full of expectations and worship.
After all, that’s the goal of all the grand dukes of the blood clan. It’s more fashionable and modern. In a word, it’s the idol in the eyes of all the grand dukes of the western blood clan
Kong Wenhao and Oriental Sword both know that Xigang can still reach the rank of king here, and they must have had such a big reaction to him with Dr. Wen, so they can understand it, but they obviously don’t want to pay attention to him.
Kong Wenhao continued, "This person should have reached the top of the king’s class, and he has fought with us for a long time. I can only join hands with Jianjian to fight Kankan."
Kong Wenhao and the Oriental Sword can only fight for the first world war … Wentao immediately had a more intuitive understanding of Kong Wenhao’s amazing fighting power with the Oriental Sword. Even if they work together, they will have the first world war in the later period of repose.
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