This is the idea of tobacco field. Tobacco field consciousness has communicated with Xu tui very quickly. It’s better to throw it into Sixth Master now.
Safe and convenient
Xu retreat is extremely concise and refuses the tobacco field.
"What?" The smoke field is puzzled
"It is very likely that the wind industry personally hunted us down and was wiped out by us!"
Prior to this, asteroid 421 suffered a terrible wind, and the nebula was strong. With Xu’s retreat, he recently learned more and more about the Eldar Department. Based on this, it can be concluded that the strong wind that raided them and finally escaped from the nebula was the elder wind industry in the sixth main seat.
At present, there are two elders in the sixth main seat and elders in the ninth main seat of the wind industry.
According to Huang’s search for big data, just one day ago, the elder of the ninth main seat also appeared in public, while the elder of the sixth main seat has not heard from the public in the last seven days.
Now, it would be foolish for the elders of the sixth main seat to stare at them and make a retreat if they don’t have a little association
So this kind of situation into the wind industry is probably seasoned road.
It’s been a long time since the wind industry made a retreat. You can recognize it as soon as you see it.
"Kill the wind industry flesh!"
The smoke area was directly shocked by this sentence. If it was not the enemy, it might be necessary to ask a question carefully.
How is it possible to kill the body of an elder of the throne?
Or is the wind extraordinary?
"Nine times out of ten!"
"Then you can die!" The smoke area is also a decisive one. "I am responsible for the defense of the earth array, but you should also try to harass the enemy and reduce our consumption."
Once the source crystal in our hands is used up, the earth array will become waste! "Smoke domain said.
"I am white!"
"Smoke old you consider such as? Sixth Master is still very sincere? " The wind high urged 1.
To tell the truth, the wind is not in a hurry. It is better for him to delay for a while. In front of him, the earth array has seen an extremely expensive but can really carry defense measures.
But if the second team of Liu Ye arrives at the rendezvous of their two teams, it will break the earth array in an instant.
Then sir zhong’s men rushed to the front and took away the four men in front of them.
"If it is Sixth Master, I will still consider you one or two before me!"
Smoke sneers at Xu’s retreat, but suddenly one ice sword after another rises. This is the idea that Xu’s extraordinary ability to snow and ice suddenly rises due to identity restrictions before he retreats.
I tried it once before and found that this ice sword is very lethal when it is activated, and at the same time, it can cooperate with the ice seal to make it very powerful.
At this moment, Xu retired and wanted to try.
See Xu back just a seven Weibing extraordinary before he dare to wantonly start work strong wind couldn’t help sneer at.
If it weren’t for Xu’s return of the tobacco-growing earth array, he would have torn up this reckless thing immediately.
At the same moment, Xu retreated to his mind, and the mercury seal instantly put the light on the ground to increase the storm snow area to the extreme.
The force field in the storm snow area expanded rapidly again from the kilometer range to the 1,500-meter range, and directly surrounded the six-person department of Fenglie.
At the same time, Xu retreated and sank into the smoke field, after which the frost array was instantly fuelling the frost array again.
As soon as the frost array is triggered, it will retreat all over the body, and even the ice chill in the force field of the whole storm snow area will be directly multiplied.
In the same instant, fourteen ice flying swords disappeared at the same time before Xu retreated.
Quantum entangled state energy transmission
Ice flying sword also belongs to energy.
Fourteen cups of ice flying sword flashed out of the earth array, and a spiral accelerated rapidly, and it bombarded six people in the wind.
"I don’t know if I live or die!"
Feng Li sneered and directly ordered "Kill!"
In the same instant, the tip of the three-handle ice flying sword hissed and exploded into the wind.
The wind is very fierce, and without looking at the green light, the whole person disappears from the original place, and the three ice flying swords hit the wind and the ghosting left.
In an instant, the wind was strong and the whole body was green, and the disease was like a flash, and the green light exploded into the array of the tobacco-growing earth.
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- 杭州,这座充满诗意的城市,不仅有着美丽的西湖,还有着丰富的茶文化。茶馆,作为品茶休闲的好去处,在杭州可谓遍地开花。然而,面对如此众多的茶馆,如何挑选性价比高的自助茶馆呢?下面,就让我为大家盘点一下杭州几家性价比高的自助茶馆。首先,不得不提的是位于杭州市中心的“心源茶楼”。这家茶楼环境优雅,茶质上乘,而且价格实惠。在这里,您可以品尝到各种名优茶,如西湖龙井、碧螺春等,同时,还有各种茶点、小吃可供选择。在这里,您只需支付几十元,就能享受到一场味蕾的盛宴。 其次,青藤茶馆也是杭州性价比很高的自助茶馆之一。青藤茶馆环境清幽,装修风格古朴,给人一种宁静的感觉。在这里,您可以品尝到各种优质茶叶,如铁观音、大红袍等。此外,茶馆还提供丰富的茶点,如糕点、小食等。在这里,人均消费大约在60元左右,性价比非常高。 再来说说金歌RTV西湖旗舰店。虽然这家店铺主要以K歌为主,但其自助茶饮区也非常受欢迎。在这里,您可以在唱歌的同时,品尝到各种饮品和点心。而且,这里的价格非常实惠,平时下午只需18元就能畅唱3个小时,还有丰富的自助餐可以选择。如果您是茶饮爱好者,这里也是一个不错的选择。 此外,杭州还有不少性价比高的自助海鲜餐厅,如宝龙城店的“加餐海鲜自助”。这家餐厅以其新鲜的海鲜和实惠的价格而闻名。在这里,您可以品尝到各种海鲜美食,如烤鱼、烤虾、扇贝等。人均消费大约在100元左右,性价比极高。 最后,值得一提的是杭州的韩式自助烧烤店。这些店铺以其丰富的菜品和实惠的价格吸引了众多食客。在这里,您可以一边品尝各种烤肉、海鲜,一边享受美妙的音乐。人均消费大约在50-80元左右,性价比相当不错。 总之,杭州的自助茶馆种类繁多,各有特色。在选择时,可以根据自己的喜好和预算,挑选性价比高的茶馆。希望以上信息能对您有所帮助,让您在杭州的茶香中度过愉快的时光。