Make Clarence kneel and dare not move.
"When was Karen’s first expedition?" A deep and dignified sound came from the sacred flame.
"Almighty and great, the main reason is inconvenient communication. My expeditionary force conducts a joint every seven days. It was three days ago.
According to the feedback, the expeditionary force is in a bad situation and needs support!
Reinforcements I have been transferred, waiting for them to reunite with the holy power brand, and the reinforcements can start. "Karen is still very capable."
As soon as their great master asked about this, he reported the situation before and after.
"Cyrus has completely sacrificed to me."
Karen was transfixed on the spot by the words of the Maya Lord and Heiyang.
A simple sentence brings a lot of information.
What will happen to Cyrus to completely sacrifice himself to the Lord?
There is a possibility.
The word "thoroughly" means that Xiliude’s mental body has also been sacrificed.
So …
A sad color appeared on his face, and Karen once again worshipped, "Great Lord, this is the glory of Cyrus!"
Black sun flame busy slowly rotating staring at the Karen way "you should white the meaning.
Every change from the sun is crucial. We can’t be absent! "
Kerens was dazed and bowed his head again. "Please rest assured that the great and omnipotent Lord will let the glory of the great Lord set foot on the sun again at all costs."
"I look forward to your good news!"
"please rest assured the great and omnipotent Lord!"
Karen bent down to worship again and at the same time this sacred flame had disappeared.
At the same time, the same scene happened in front of the nine bishops in purple in the temple of Mya, and at the same time, the nine bishops in purple in Mya received the word from the Lord himself
A quarter of an hour later, the holy land was calm, and a holy light fell before Pope Joan.
Pope Joan raised his staff and let the holy light fall into it. Then he held the staff tightly and took a look at the direction of the holy land before slowly releasing it.
Half an hour later, the last one to receive the Oracle, Pope Joan, informed the nine bishops in purple to discuss the Oracle.
Shui Yuan Palace Xu retreated and looked at the broken statues.
That sword was too strong just now
It’s irresistible to give Xu a refund.
Looking at the suspension of the seal of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor overhead, Xu retreated thoughtfully.
It was the seal power of the immortal emperor of Antarctica that broke the bondage of the sacred power of the idol to Xu tui.
Does this mean that there is a strong or similar force at the same level of the Antarctic immortal emperor?
Or was Bishop Cyrus the last to fight back?
The Shui Yuan Palace drama earthquake was first perceived by Erila, Ulla and others.
When Ai Rui La Wu La and others rushed in, they saw it was creepy and promised to return all the bodies.
The body is the enemy.
Two members of the main attack Tongtianzhu Magic Group were seriously injured and one died.
However, Ulla and the two Qiweilei extraordinary people around him saw Xu’s retreat, especially Cadelon’s eyes.
Today, Xu retired to show that the repair atmosphere is five guards.
They are already confused about Xu’s retreat.
Previously, sometimes the second guard and sometimes the third guard showed the highest five guards, but at this time, the retreat in Cadelon Ulla’s eyes seemed to be more terrible than before
"Ula staring at me? Unless you have the confidence to challenge me?
Why don’t you challenge me now "Xu back looking at ulla said.
Ulla a quick laugh didn’t pick up the words.
Xu gave him the feeling that he was more terrible than before.
Besides, the seven guards like Dilling were all killed by Xu.
At the moment, cobalt-based water wisdom is asking him for details crazily, and it’s constantly adding more to the benefits.
Ulla didn’t meet us. Xu retreated and didn’t let him go
"Or you and Cadelon are right, that is, you and your two seven guards join forces to challenge me, and I accept it!
I just felt a little unfinished in the first world war! "Xu back looking at ulla said.
Ulla is a little embarrassed.
This Xu retreated in front of so many people and took the initiative to let them fight three wars and one war.
Does he dare?
Dare not!
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