Mrs. Han’s heart is not entangled with her daughter. Anyway, these two can’t run away. When her daughter is well, she has to practice her hand and be sold to help count the money. It’s time to be sensible.
Zhuoting was dragged away by Mrs Zhuo for a long time before she came to a hiding place and vomited an one mouthful turbid gas, white as paper, and her face slowly recovered to the original rosy fundus. Is there any fear?
Mrs Zhuo looked at her daughter in silence and hated iron not to produce. "Did you instigate the surname Han to deal with Dong Hong Lan because of Dong Hong Ling? So you’re still thinking about the cripple? "
"Mother, he’s fine. You didn’t see how attractive he was. I’m not the only one who was attracted to this palace." Zhuo Ting was a little angry and gnashed her teeth. I knew that she could restore Lotus Yan Jiing to today’s scenery when she was sentenced to death. How could she have gone so simply and broken so thoroughly? I have to do everything all over again now, and I always feel like I didn’t do it.
Mrs Zhuo lit her head with a hint of irony. "So what’s the point of you doing this? If it’s successful, forget it now. It’s good for you to provoke a college student in Zhuo’s family. "
Zhuo ting doesn’t like Mrs. Zhuo’s tone of voice, but it’s full of ridicule, which makes people feel uncomfortable.
However, Mrs. Zhuo said that she really didn’t refute Zhuo Ting’s calculation of everything, but she didn’t expect that none of her opponents had followed her ideas and dramas except her side.
Zhuo ting doesn’t even know where she is wrong, so it should be like that!
I have to say that Zhuo Ting feels really good about herself. Why does she set up a play and others will definitely act according to it? It’s just that Dong Yuling will design her hands and feet to invite you to the urn.
It doesn’t analyze the character’s personality and there is no other auxiliary means. Can Zhuo Ting override other people’s thoughts by herself?
Mrs. Zhuo can’t know what she thinks without knowing her daughter. Although she can’t deny that her daughter has a good eye now, there are some things that can’t be redeemed when she made a choice.
"What are you going to do now? That Han Xian has reacted. He is afraid that he will not make up with you, but will try his best to deal with you. What do you want to do to protect a bachelor’s wife and her first daughter from revenge? "
"Well, how many times have I told you that your weak means are good for men and women, especially these ladies? Put away that trick. No one will like who you just showed it to? Will it increase the ladies’ dislike? "
Mrs. Han is also angry. Why is everything all right when this daughter is in Haicheng? Nothing seems to go smoothly as soon as I come back.
Is this a big heart but a lack of understanding of Shengjing?
Mrs. Han thought of this, but it was definitely not that simple. How could she have thought that this was caused by her daughter’s high heart and low IQ?
"Niang is now so what do you scold me? Everything is fine. How did Mrs. Han come out just in time? And it’s not mom. Did you teach a man to catch his heart? Why should I care what those ladies think? What’s the objection if I don’t marry their children? " Zhuo Ting was told a story, and she came straight out of her mind.
Haicheng is free. Pay attention to this when you get to Beijing. Then everything goes wrong. Zhuo Ting is not good. Where can you listen to Mrs. Zhuo’s tall advice and rebel? It’s all kinds of stimulation.
Mrs. Zhuo’s heart almost had a myocardial infarction, and she could not help but regret that it seemed that she had instilled something in her daughter that was not in line with the status quo.
Mrs. Zhuo finally found out that one of her daughter’s fatal shortcomings was too natural, but she was not too white. How did this happen? Isn’t that what she taught?
Why don’t you marry somebody else? Because of that weakness and pity for beauty? Is this something that women will lack?
How come there are so many unrealistic ideas after my good daughter arrives in Beijing?
Others naturally don’t know Mrs. Zhuo’s consternation and awakening, but it’s a pity that she didn’t change her sadness. Dong Yuling took Dong Yulan back to the pavilion, together with the winged monarch.
After sitting, Dong Yuling didn’t rush to talk, but thought of something, which was somewhat engrossed.
Wing king infanta knocked a few melons and asked, "What are you thinking? Without saying a word, Xiaolan is nervous. What did she do wrong? Chapter 551 Some details.
Forgotten infanta asked Dong Wei-ling to return to absolute being and suddenly saw Dong Wei-lan’s wet eyes, which was somewhat koo-aid and at a loss.
Smiling gently, Dong Fengling hurriedly said, "It’s none of your business. I want to know what the first daughter of Han University will do to you. I feel that it’s not personal, but that I was really provoked by Zhuo Ting to frame Xiaolan. "
It is reasonable to say that Han University is the emperor’s confidant and has a lot of friendship with Lian Yan Jiing. It is also very good on weekdays. It makes no sense to suddenly be so hostile.
The woman in the backyard’s interest in front of her is somewhat representative of a wind direction and news.
Dong Wei Lan breathed a sigh of relief and tilted his head for a while, but he was very uncertain. "Just now, I seem to have met Yongle Houshi, who was talking to Miss Han, but I overheard something I shouldn’t listen to. Will it be discovered by Miss Han? I feel that I will be provoked by Zhuo Ting if I lose my face? "
Dong Yuling wondered, "What should I not listen to when I heard it?" This possibility is great, but it’s not so bad!
This shot is equivalent to a deadly rhythm. Do you want to play so big?
"There is nothing really, but Miss Han seems to be interested in Yongle Houshi, but Shiye doesn’t have a good face for her and talks a little … in the face." Dong Yulan thought for a while before he thought of a slightly appropriate pointwise expression.
If no outsiders hear it, naturally there is nothing to say, and others hear it, it is really embarrassing.
Although she meant it at that time, others may not think so.
"like this?" Dong Fengling picked his eyebrows. I can see that Dong Yulan doesn’t know Yongle Houshi, but she feels good at present.
The monarch of Wing King is idle. "Speaking of Yongle Houshi, maybe you don’t know that Mrs. Han and Mrs. Yongle Houshi are best friends. Miss Han and Mr. Yongle Houshi grew up together. It is said that the two families have a little meaning of getting married, but no one has said anything. Later, Yongle Houshi did not hold the capital all the year round, and there was no follow-up."
It’s not strange that Zhuo Ting wanted Yongle Houshi to dive to save people at that time. It must have been Miss Cheng Han, who knew that Yongle Houshi was so cruel to watch and didn’t want to be lai? This attitude has been obvious.
Of course, Yongle Houshi didn’t just play around. He naturally knew that there would be a chance to save lives, and Miss Han wouldn’t want to go to that muddy water in the end.
Dong Jilan felt even more confused when he heard this. "But what does this have to do with me?" She didn’t know Yongle Hou Shigen, and she didn’t say a few words in total, okay?
Dong Hong Ling suddenly stared at Dong Hong Lan with funny eyes. Is this little girl’s calculation really that simple? It turned out that she thought it was complicated. No wonder it was all white.
It must have been just that the Yongle Houshi was talking to Dong Yulan, and was seen by Miss Han and Zhuo Ting at the same time. Even she found something wrong far away, which was a woman’s intuition.
At that time, Miss Han may have been a little confused, but she couldn’t bear to be told by others that Yongle Houshi ignored her, which was definitely a dead end.
"Xiao LAN, you really don’t know Yongle Houshi? Outside the capital? " Dong Yuling was curious and asked if she should be able to find clues more or less in Shengjing City.
And Yun Yuye’s eyes were like looking for a baby for a long time and finally finding it.
Obviously, this didn’t happen in Shengjing, otherwise, it should be easy for him to understand Dong Qilan’s identity, and where should he look for it?
Dong Yulan didn’t know what her sister asked, but she tried to think about it and shook her head. "I really can’t remember if I don’t know."
"Forget it, don’t think about it. Some women think that a man is unreasonable. You should be bitten by a dog! Anyway, I have already called back. "Dong Yuling is not forced.
She didn’t mean to hinder Yun Yuye and Dong Yulan, but she wouldn’t help them to see what fate and fate would lead them to.
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