"From the current market value … it is about 2 trillion." Lawyers gasped when they said this figure themselves.
"2 trillion raw materials? Why are there so many? " Zhang Lan was also stunned.
"The frozen group has maintained the market price of the sacred stone dust, which has always been in a state of reluctance to sell. A large number of raw materials are scattered among all parties and belong to their own trading companies. This way to maximize the benefits, of course, it is up to you now."
Lawyer, a few words have created a world’s richest man …
Chapter four hundred and twelve The earth belongs to
Talking about money, at present, the world wealth list occupies the top one, of course, it is a member of the old consortium family of various groups
For example, Mark is the number one in the rich list, and Gu Xuan is the number two. The number one is the head of the Anlege consortium-the God of Wealth. His personal liquidity is 1.1 billion federal dollars, which is worthy of the name of the richest man in the world.
No one will hoard so much liquidity. It is understandable that God of Wealth has such cash flow because he is engaged in gambling and entertainment industry.
Hera’s thinking is meticulous when she does one thing before the war.
In that kind of grief and indignation, Hera also wants to give Guxuan the most fatal blow. Zhang Lan’s own spokesperson will transfer all the wealth to him. Hera is at ease.
To put it bluntly, war is a game of burning money and killing people. Even if you have many lives to send, you can’t help it without money.
1.2 billion working capital came to ensure that the marketing office of the ten thousand people in the frozen group in the past six months belongs to the frozen group account, but Hera does not need to sign or grant permission to transport the money independently after the frozen group is destroyed.
The frozen foundation was established in just a few hours and completed all the confirmation procedures. It was handed over to Zhang Lan by the government’s royal lawyer. It can be said that there has never been a super wealth transfer in history.
Because of the name of the foundation, there is no tax or formalities, but the money is still equal to Zhang Lan’s arbitrary control.
"Hera, is there anyone in the world who is more considerate than you?" Zhang Lan shook her head with a wry smile and never thought that she would benefit from a situation where a woman has such an advantage.
To be honest, the Imperial Group is very short of money today. The first thing Chairman Zhang Lan did was to sell bonds and transfer money from the chaebol, which forced the replacement of shares of major companies to reduce the group ratio.
Hera’s legacy of the frozen regiment gave Zhang Lan limited possibilities.
After the conversation with the lawyer, Zhang Lan pushed the door of the conference room, where five people were waiting for him.
Andrev free group, chairman of the Sun-Never-Fall Group Mark Heijin Group Khufuta Chief Totem Group, and the new chairman of the Star Group, of course, the acting chairman of the Bawang Group-Yin Da.
When Zhang Lan applied for the regional manager of Bawang Group, he remembered that he was one of the 16 executive vice presidents of Bawang Group. Today, he is five years old. The management industry is a marginalized industry, but his other industries have been growing steadily. No matter the financial crisis or natural disasters, it has never had a substantial impact on his performance.
Maybe others don’t regard Yin Da as a leader, but Zhang Lan knows that this is a very powerful talent.
If he can come here quickly after abdicating from Guxuan, he will know that his wrist is definitely not covered.
"Hello, Chairman Zhang Lan. I’m the new acting chairman of Bawang Group. My name is Yin Da. Just call me Lao Yin." Yin Da greeted Zhang Lan before she spoke. If you move quickly, you can be a doorman for Zhang Lan.
"Nice to meet you, Yin Dong. I saw you when I applied for the regional manager. You are also one of my most admired management talents." Zhang Lan smiled and shook hands with Yin Da.
"Really? That’s an honor, Zhang Dong. Sit down quickly. This way, please! " Yin Da didn’t expect Zhang Lan’s attitude to be so good. After all, today, Zhang Lan can say that the earth is the same as the ancient porch in the past. Who can live with the widest resources and the most powerful allies who want to kill?
Besides, it is clear to everyone that the overlord group and Zhang Lan are celebrating the holidays. Yin Da has already made preparations for offering a humble apology and pretending to be a dog, but it seems unnecessary now.
"Don’t be so polite. It’s time for us," Mark urged.
Zhang Lan looked at the chief position, which originally belonged to the president. Now he didn’t come to Zhang Lan’s seat, and no one would say a word. But Zhang Lan didn’t sit there, but took a seat and sat next to six people, just like attending a round table.
"You have new friends and old acquaintances here, so we can save a little. Just now, I just took over the management of the Frozen Foundation and inherited all the working capital and fixed assets of the Frozen Group. I can be responsible for telling you that the Imperial Group will be ashamed of the world for three months … after the first three months, you will no longer be able to catch up with me."
Zhang Lan’s sincere face-to-face beating is a slap in the face. There is no room for refutation. You can listen quietly.
"But it doesn’t make sense, because Guxuan will definitely make a comeback in half a year. He has the largest alien power in the sun, including the most core scientific research technology of Bawangtuan. Once it comes back, it will be the end of the world." Zhang Lan is not complacent and has a sense of depression.
"It’s not us who forced Gu Xuan away. What are we afraid of?" Stars are not.
"Look at the current weapon level. The nuclear fluid has long given mankind the ability to destroy the earth. Do you think anyone can survive once the war?" Zhang Lan sneered, "So I hope everyone can work together to reach a consensus on two things: 1. The plan to see the light of day must continue to implement the blue sky, which is a way for us to take responsibility for this planet and save ourselves; Disappearing the ancient porch is our common enemy must be eliminated. "
"Do you want the two of you to have a grudge against the owner of the kidnapping ball?" Totem group Andrev face ferocious way
"I’m sorry not to kidnap you, but to be on the earth, you must be in the same camp with me." Zhang Lan naturally said that the strong appearance finally had the ancient porch bullying
"What if we say no?" Chief khufta made a hypothesis.
"As I said before, the Imperial Regiment will be the first in the past three months." Zhang Lan emphasized it again.
"So what?" Stars despise way
"At present, there are still six regiments that look like countries. We have our own ruling institutions with complete laws and our own troops, but don’t forget that we are still regiments. If we are regiments, we must be linked to management." Zhang Lan hung his forehead and crossed his hands and fingers to block the eyes. "No matter whether you believe it or not, it will take a long time for people who don’t cooperate to survive, not to beg for death and not to live."
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